A small wrapper around ipvsadm to support go interacting with the Linux Virtual Server.
- MulticastInterface: String with the name of the interface broadcast the multicast state information on.
- Syncid: Id to use when broadcasting state.
- Tcp: Timeout for TCP connections.
- Tcpfin: Timeout for TCP-FIN packets.
- Udp: Timeout for UDP connections.
- Services: Slice of Services.
- FindService
- AddService
- EditService
- RemoveService
- SetTimeouts
- Restore
- Save
- StartDaemon
- StopDaemon
- Zero
- Host: IP associated to the service.
- Port: Port that the service listens to.
- Type: Type of service (tcp, udp, fwmark).
- Scheduler: Method of assigning connections to downstream servers (rr, wrr, lc, wlc, lblc, lblcr, dh, sh, sed, nq).
- Persistence: Persistent connection timeout.
- Netmask: Netmask to use to group connections together.
- Servers: Slice of Servers.
- FindServer
- AddServer
- EditServer
- RemoveServer
- Zero
- ToJson
- FromJson
- String
- Host: IP associated with the server.
- Port: Port the downstream server is listening on.
- Forwarder: Method to forward to the downstream server (g=gatewaying, i=ipip, m=masquerading).
- Weight: Relative weight of this server to the others. 0 means no new connections.
- UpperThreshold: Stop sending connections when this limit is reached. 0 means no limit.
- LowerThreshold: Restart sending connections when connections drop to this number. 0 means not set.
- ToJson
- FromJson
- String