A simple CLI command wrapper for FFmpeg written in Python to apply dithering algorithms and color palettes to images and videos. It can be used to turn almost any type of media (supported by FFmpeg) into the style of '37C3: Unlocked'.
- Clone this repository (you'll need the 'palette' folder and the 'dither-this.py' file)
- Python 3 installed and added to PATH
- FFmpeg installed and added to PATH
Simply call the 'dither-this.py' file from the command line or run it without any arguments. When running the script without any arguments, it will look for a file called 'input.mp4' and process it with the default values.
By passing the '-h' or '--help' flag you can list all available options.
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py --help
usage: dither-this.py [-h] [-i INPUT] [-p FINAL_PALETTE] [-pi INTERMEDIATE_PALETTE] [-fps FRAMERATE] [-s SIZE] [-b BRIGHTNESS] [-c CONTRAST] [-d DITHER] [-bs BAYER_SCALE]
[-loop LOOP] [-o OUTPUT]
Convert a video/image to a dithered version in the stlye of '37C3: Unlocked' using FFmpeg.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input file
Final color palette
Intermediate color palette
-fps FRAMERATE, --framerate FRAMERATE
Frame rate
-s SIZE, --size SIZE Width of the output GIF, aspect ratio is preserved
Brightness, -1 to 1, with 0 being the default value
-c CONTRAST, --contrast CONTRAST
Contrast, 0 to 2, with 1 being the default value
-d DITHER, --dither DITHER
Dither algorithm: bayer, heckbert, floyd_steinberg, sierra2, sierra2_4a
-bs BAYER_SCALE, --bayer_scale BAYER_SCALE
Bayer scale: 0 to 2
-loop LOOP, --loop LOOP
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output filename
Default values with resizing to 256px width:
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py -i lenna.jpg -s 256 -o lenna-default.jpg
Alternative dithering algorithm:
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py -i lenna.jpg -s 256 -d floyd_steinberg -o lenna-floyd_steinberg.jpg
Alternative dithering algorithm with brightness/contrast fix:
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py -i lenna.jpg -s 256 -d floyd_steinberg -b -0.3 -c 1.3 -o lenna-floyd_steinberg-fix.jpg
Video to GIF:
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py -i input.mp4 -s 256 -o dither-video.gif
Using the 'floyd_steinberg' dithering algorithm:
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py -i input.mp4 -d floyd_steinberg -o output.gif
Reducing the color palette before applying the dithering algorithm (intermediate palette):
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py -i input.mp4 -pi palette/palette-5-shades-of-gray-alpha.png -o output.gif
Using a different color palette for the final output:
n0c@box:~$ dither-this.py -i input.mp4 -p palette/palette-5-shades-of-gray-alpha.png -o output.gif
Well, it's just a wrapper for a great piece of software doing the hard work (FFmpeg) and an experiment for the lulz. Do whatever you want with this python snippet, don't blame me and share any improvements and results you make!