NEOS 0.8.0 for KSP 1.5.x
The release consists of 4 packages:
- NehemiahEngineeringOrbitalScience (NEOS) - everything!
- OrbitalStationScience (OSS) - the former KLS and OMS combined into one package.
- KeminiResearchProgram (KRP) - Kemini
- KerbalEnvironmentalEffectsStudy (KEES) - Kemini Environmental Effects Study
(1) is everything, the rest can be mixed and matched as required.
Changelog from v0.7.2:
- Updated ModuleManager to 3.1.0
- Updated MiniAVC to v1.2.0.2
- Display experiment time in the VAB. Bug #26.
- Added support Universal Storage 2 and fixed Universal Storage 1.
- Bugs fixed:
- Bugs fixed:
- Spelling mistake in the PPMD results.