Tiny Slider Web Component is a lightweight, responsive slider built as a web component. It's easy to integrate and flexible to use in any frontend framework.
- Lightweight (2.1kb) Check on Bundlephobia
- SSR-compatible
- Framework agnostic
- Zero dependencies
- Zero influence on Google Lighthouse score
- Fully customizable via CSS
- Responsive and mobile-friendly
To install the slider, you can use npm:
npm install tiny-slider-web-component
Here's how you can use the slider in your HTML. The example from Svelte, but will work same way anywhere else.
<script lang="ts">
import Image from "~components/cf-image/cf-image.svelte"
import type { Root } from "./types"
export let data: Root
class="relative flex max-w-[calc(100vw-4rem)] md:max-w-[calc(80vw-4rem)] overflow-hidden mx-auto">
{#each data.homepage.slider as item, i}
<div class="flex flex-col">
loading={i >= 1 ? "lazy" : "eager"}
classes="rounded-3xl md:rounded-2xl w-[clamp(100px,calc(100vw-4rem),768px)] md:w-[clamp(640px,calc(80vw-4rem),1900px)] aspect-[3/5] md:aspect-[1469/837] max-w-[unset] h-auto object-bottom object-cover"
alt={item.label} />
<span class="pt-4 pb-0 px-6">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold">{item.title}</h2>
<p>{@html item.description}</p>
Super Kick Gym - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Bangkok