Bukvarko helps your kids learn the alphabet in a fun way with synthetic speech.
My son wanted to learn the alphabet so I created this game for him. Different animals are shown and you need to type the animal name. You get a star for each correct answer. If you are unsure about what you wrote, you let the computer read it out for you.
The game supports the following languages: Bosnian (bs), German (de), English (en), Greek (el), Spanish (es), French (fr), Swiss German (gsw), Croatian (hr), Italian (it), Macedonian (mk), Norwegian (nb), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), Slovenian (sl) and Serbian (sr).
(See https://github.com/mristin/brojko for numbers.)
Live demo is available at the github page: https://mristin.github.io/bukvarko/.
Don't force your kid to learn alphabet if s/he does not show proper interest. It will just kill the motivation.
Help your kid with the game. It is inteded as a group activity for both the parent and the child.
It is intentional that the giraffe makes no sound. The lack of sound will surprise the child and give you the opportunity to explain why giraffes generally do not produce any vocalization we can hear. For example, see this short video: https://youtu.be/6VOF6vZ078M.
Bug reports, feature suggestions etc. are highly welcome. Please create an issue.
Clone and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/mristin/bukvarko.git
cd bukvarko
npm install
Start a development server:
npm run start
Format and lint the code:
npm run fix
To run the tests:
npm run test
Build for production:
npm run build
Images were taken from http://www.wikipedia.org.
The sounds were taken from:
- http://soundbible.com/821-Bleat.html (goat bleat, Mike Koenig)
- https://www.freesoundeffects.com/ (the remainder of the sounds)