This repository is part of the Reboot. For more information, check the official repository.
dfx identity new <your-name>
dfx identity use <your-name>
To proceed, you must have cycles. Cycles serve as the fundamental unit of energy within our network.
To acquire cycles, the simplest method is by using the cycle faucet. Alternatively, you can convert ICPs into cycles by burning ICP tokens.
You will need approximately 3T cycles (equivalent to $5) to complete this tutorial.
In this step, we are simply setting up a container without deploying any code. To maximize the network's potential, we will all deploy in the same subnet.
dfx canister create you --subnet bkfrj-6k62g-dycql-7h53p-atvkj-zg4to-gaogh-netha-ptybj-ntsgw-rqe --ic
In this step, we are compiling the Motoko file to create the WebAssembly module.
dfx build you --ic
Please provide your desired username for the Reboot game when you deploy your canister. Currently, you cannot change the username once set, unless you reinstall your canister.
dfx canister install you --ic --argument '("YOUR_NAME")'
dfx canister call you --ic reboot_user_dailyCheck '("Hello World!")'
You should see your entry in our table.
Make sure to join our Discord to follow the next steps and contribute to the network.