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Highly Pythonized NETCONF and YANG


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Highly Pythonized NETCONF and YANG

\/\/\> Automagically create YANG modules and data containers from MODELED Python classes

\/\/\> Simply turn Python methods into NETCONF/YANG RPC methods using decorators

\/\/\> Directly start NETCONF servers from modeled YANG modules


  • Proper RPC namespace handling
  • Handle default NETCONF RPC methods like <get> or <get-config>
  • Create NETCONF servers with multiple modeled YANG modules
  • Automagically create Pythonic NETCONF clients from YANG definitions

WARNING: This project is in early alpha state and therefore not production ready.



Just use pip to install the latest release from PyPI:

pip install modeled.netconf

It automatically installs all runtime requirements:

>>> import modeled.netconf
>>> modeled.netconf.__requires__

To install in development mode:

pip install -e /path/to/repository/

From a MODELED class to a YANG module

MODELED.netconf is based on my MODELED framework, which provides tools for defining Python classes with typed members and methods, quite similar to Django database models, but with a more general approach. Those modeled classes can then automagically be mapped to data serialization formats, databases, GUI frameworks, web frameworks, or whatever, using the integrated modeled.Adapter system. The MODELED framework is still in a late alpha stage, needs some internal refactoring, and lacks documentation, but I am actively working on this. The basic principles should nevertheless become visible during the following example.

A MODELED Turing Machine

Since MODELED.netconf uses pyang for auto-generating YANG definitions from modeled classes, I decided to resemble the Turing Machine example from the pyang tutorial... a bit more simplified and with some little structural and naming changes... however... below is a modeled Turing Machine implementation:

import modeled
from modeled import member
class Input(modeled.object):
    """The input part of a Turing Machine program rule.
    state = member[int]()
    symbol = member[str]()
class Output(modeled.object):
    """The output part of a Turing Machine program rule.
    state = member[int]()
    symbol = member[str]()
    head_move = member[str]['L', 'R']()
class Rule(modeled.object):
    """A Turing Machine program rule.
    input = member[Input]()
    output = member[Output]()

    def __init__(self, input, output):
        """Expects both `input` and `output` as mappings.
        self.input = Input(
            # modeled.object.__init__ supports **kwargs
            # for initializing modeled.member values
        self.output = Output(**dict(output))
class TuringMachine(modeled.object):
    state = member[int]()
    head_position = member[int]()

    # the list of symbols on the input/output tape
    tape = member.list[str](indexname='cell', itemname='symbol')

    # the machine program as named rules
    program = member.dict[str, Rule](keyname='name')

    def __init__(self, program):
        """Create a Turing Machine with the given `program`.
        program = dict(program)
        for name, (input, output) in program.items():
            self.program[name] = Rule(input, output)

    def run(self):
        """Start the Turing Machine.
        - Runs until no matching input part for current state and tape symbol
          can be found in the program rules.
        self.log = " %s  %d\n" % (''.join(self.tape), self.state)
        while True:
            pos = self.head_position
            if 0 <= pos < len(self.tape):
                symbol = self.tape[pos]
                symbol = None
            for name, rule in self.program.items():
                if (self.state, symbol) == (rule.input.state, rule.input.symbol):
                    self.log += "%s^%s --> %s\n" % (
                        ' ' * (pos + 1),
                        ' ' * (len(self.tape) - pos),
                    if rule.output.state is not None:
                        self.state = rule.output.state
                    if rule.output.symbol is not None:
                        self.tape[pos] = rule.output.symbol
                    self.head_position += {'L': -1, 'R': 1}[rule.output.head_move]
                    self.log += " %s  %d\n" % (''.join(self.tape), self.state)

To check if the Turing Machine works, it needs an actual program. I took it from the pyang tutorial again. It's a very simple program for adding to numbers in unary notation, separated by a 0.

The program is defined in YAML below. If you haven't installed pyyaml yet:

pip install pyyaml

(%%... are IPython magic functions):

%%file turing-machine-program.yaml

left summand:
  - {state:    0, symbol:    1}
  - {state: null, symbol: null, head_move: R}
  - {state:    0, symbol:    0}
  - {state:    1, symbol:    1, head_move: R}
right summand:
  - {state:    1, symbol:    1}
  - {state: null, symbol: null, head_move: R}
right end:
  - {state:    1, symbol: null}
  - {state:    2, symbol: null, head_move: L}
write separator:
  - {state:    2, symbol:    1}
  - {state:    3, symbol:    0, head_move: L}
go home:
  - {state:    3, symbol:    1}
  - {state: null, symbol: null, head_move: L}
final step:
  - {state:    3, symbol: null}
  - {state:    4, symbol: null, head_move: R}
Writing turing-machine-program.yaml
import yaml
with open('turing-machine-program.yaml') as f:
    TM_PROGRAM = yaml.load(f)

Instantiate the Turing Machine with the loaded program:

tm = TuringMachine(TM_PROGRAM)

And set the initial state for computing unary 1 + 2:

tm.state = 0
tm.head_position = 0
tm.tape = '1011'

The tape string gets automatically converted to a list, because TuringMachine.tape is defined as a list member:

>>> tm.tape
['1', '0', '1', '1']

Ready for turning on the Turing Machine:
>>> print(tm.log)
 1011  0
 ^     --> left summand
 1011  0
  ^    --> separator
 1111  1
   ^   --> right summand
 1111  1
    ^  --> right summand
 1111  1
     ^ --> right end
 1111  2
    ^  --> write separator
 1110  3
   ^   --> go home
 1110  3
  ^    --> go home
 1110  3
 ^     --> go home
 1110  3
^      --> final step
 1110  4

Final state is reached. Result is unary 3. Seems to work!

YANGifying the Turing Machine

Creating a YANG module from the modeled TuringMachine class is now quite simple. Just import the modeled YANG module adapter class:

from modeled.netconf import YANG

And plug it to the TuringMachine. This will create a new class which will be derived from both the YANG module adapter and the TuringMachine class:

>>> YANG[TuringMachine].mro()

It also has a class attribute referencing the original modeled class:

>>> YANG[TuringMachine].mclass

BTW: the class adaption will be cached, so every YANG[TuringMachine] operation will return the same class object:

>>> YANG[TuringMachine] is YANG[TuringMachine]

But let's take look at the really useful features now. The adapted class dynamically provides .to_...() methods for every pyang output format plugin which you could pass to the pyang command's -f flag. Calling such a method will programmatically create a pyang.statement.Statement tree (which pyang does internally on loading an input file) according to the typed members of the adapted modeled class.

Every .to_...() method takes optional revision date and XML prefix and namespace arguments. If no revision is given, the current date will be used.

The adapted class will be mapped to a YANG module and its main data container definition. Module and container name will be generated from the name of the adapted modeled class by decapitalizing and joining its name parts with hyphens. YANG leaf names will be generated from modeled member names by replacing underscores with hyphens. list and dict members will be mapped to YANG list definitions. If members have other modeled classes as types, sub-containers will be defined.

Type mapping is very simple in this early project stage. Only int and str are supported and no YANG typedefs are used. All containers and their contents are defined configurable (with write permissions). That will change soon...

The result is a complete module definition text in the given format, like default YANG:

>>> print(YANG[TuringMachine].to_yang(
>>>     prefix='tm', namespace='http://modeled.netconf/turing-machine'))
module turing-machine {
  namespace "http://modeled.netconf/turing-machine";
  prefix tm;

  revision 2015-10-29;

  container turing-machine {
    leaf state {
      type int64;
    leaf head-position {
      type int64;
    list tape {
      key "cell";
      leaf cell {
        type int64;
      leaf symbol {
        type string;
    list program {
      key "name";
      leaf name {
        type string;
      container rule {
        container input {
          leaf state {
            type int64;
          leaf symbol {
            type string;
        container output {
          leaf state {
            type int64;
          leaf symbol {
            type string;
          leaf head-move {
            type string;

Or XMLified YIN:

>>> print(YANG[TuringMachine].to_yin(
>>>     prefix='tm', namespace='http://modeled.netconf/turing-machine'))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="turing-machine"
  <namespace uri="http://modeled.netconf/turing-machine"/>
  <prefix value="tm"/>
  <revision date="2015-10-29"/>
  <container name="turing-machine">
    <leaf name="state">
      <type name="int64"/>
    <leaf name="head-position">
      <type name="int64"/>
    <list name="tape">
      <key value="cell"/>
      <leaf name="cell">
        <type name="int64"/>
      <leaf name="symbol">
        <type name="string"/>
    <list name="program">
      <key value="name"/>
      <leaf name="name">
        <type name="string"/>
      <container name="rule">
        <container name="input">
          <leaf name="state">
            <type name="int64"/>
          <leaf name="symbol">
            <type name="string"/>
        <container name="output">
          <leaf name="state">
            <type name="int64"/>
          <leaf name="symbol">
            <type name="string"/>
          <leaf name="head-move">
            <type name="string"/>

Since the modeled YANG module is derived from the adapted TuringMachine class, it can still be instantiated and used in the same way:

tm = YANG[TuringMachine](TM_PROGRAM)
tm.state = 0
tm.head_position = 0
tm.tape = '1011'
>>> tm.state, tm.tape
(4, ['1', '1', '1', '0'])

Adding RPC methods

The above modeled YANG module is not very useful without some RPC methods for controlling the Turing Machine via NETCONF. MODELED.netconf offers a simple @rpc decorator for defining them:

from modeled.netconf import rpc

The following RPC definitions are again designed according to the pyang tutorial.

Since those RPC methods are NETCONF/YANG specific, they are defined after the modeled YANG adaption. The simplest way is to derive a new class for that purpose:

class TM(YANG[TuringMachine]):

    @rpc(argtypes={'tape_content': str})
    # in Python 3 you can also use function annotations
    # and write (self, tape_content: str) below
    # instead of argtypes= above
    def initialize(self, tape_content):
        """Initialize the Turing Machine.
        self.state = 0
        self.head_position = 0
        self.tape = tape_content

    def run(self):
        """Start the Turing Machine operation.

Now the .to_yang() conversion also includes the rpc definitions, with descriptions taken from the Python methods' __doc__ strings, and rpc and input leaf names automatically created from the Python method and argument names by replacing underscores with hyphens again:

>>> TM_YANG = TM.to_yang(
>>>     prefix='tm', namespace='http://modeled.netconf/turing-machine')
>>> print(TM_YANG)
module turing-machine {
  namespace "http://modeled.netconf/turing-machine";
  prefix tm;

  revision 2015-10-29;

  container turing-machine {
    leaf state {
      type int64;
    leaf head-position {
      type int64;
    list tape {
      key "cell";
      leaf cell {
        type int64;
      leaf symbol {
        type string;
    list program {
      key "name";
      leaf name {
        type string;
      container rule {
        container input {
          leaf state {
            type int64;
          leaf symbol {
            type string;
        container output {
          leaf state {
            type int64;
          leaf symbol {
            type string;
          leaf head-move {
            type string;
  rpc initialize {
      "Initialize the Turing Machine.";
    input {
      leaf tape-content {
        type string;
  rpc run {
      "Start the Turing Machine operation.";

Now is a good time to verify if that's really correct YANG. Just write it to a file:

with open('turing-machine.yang', 'w') as f:

And feed it to the pyang command. Since the pyang turorial also produces a tree format output from its YANG Turing Machine, I also do it here for comparison (!... runs external programs in IPython):

!pyang -f tree turing-machine.yang
module: turing-machine
   +--rw turing-machine
      +--rw state?           int64
      +--rw head-position?   int64
      +--rw tape* [cell]
      |  +--rw cell      int64
      |  +--rw symbol?   string
      +--rw program* [name]
         +--rw name    string
         +--rw rule
            +--rw input
            |  +--rw state?    int64
            |  +--rw symbol?   string
            +--rw output
               +--rw state?       int64
               +--rw symbol?      string
               +--rw head-move?   string
   +---x initialize
   |  +---w input
   |     +---w tape-content?   string
   +---x run

No errors. Great!

From modeled YANG modules to a NETCONF service

Finally! Time to run a Turing Machine NETCONF server...

First create an instance of the final Turing Machine class with RPC method definitions:


Currently only serving NETCONF over SSH is supported. An SSH service needs a network port and user authentication credentials:

PORT = 12345
USERNAME = 'user'
PASSWORD = 'password'

And it needs an SSH key. If you don't have any key lying around, the UNIX tool ssh-keygen from OpenSSH (or Windows tools like PuTTY) can generate one for you. Just name the file key:

ssh-keygen -f key

server = tm.serve_netconf_ssh(
    port=PORT, host_key='key', username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)

And that's it! The created server is an instance of Python netconf project's NetconfSSHServer class. The server's internals run in a separate thread, so it doesn't block the Python script. We can just continue with creating a NETCONF client which talks to the server. Let's directly use NetconfSSHSession from the netconf project for now. The Pythonic client features of MODELED.netconf are not implemented yet, but they will also be based on netconf.

from netconf.client import NetconfSSHSession
client = NetconfSSHSession(
    'localhost', port=PORT, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)

Now the Turing Machine can be remotely initialized with a NETCONF RPC call. Let's compute unary 2 + 3 this time. Normally this would also need the Turing Machine's XML namespace, but namspace handling is not properly supported yet by MODELED.netconf:

reply = client.send_rpc(

The tape will be set accordingly:

>>> tm.tape
['1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1']

Now run the Turing Machine via RPC:

reply = client.send_rpc('<run/>')
>>> tm.state, tm.tape
(4, ['1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0'])

As expected!


Highly Pythonized NETCONF and YANG



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