Cross Platform Quantum Circuit Simulator
- fork of QuIDE 1.0.0 from
- refactored with Avalonia to be cross-compilable on Linux, Windows and macOS.
- maintained by MNM-Team at LMU Munich.
- simply download the application in the Releases section, there is a version for Windows, Linux (amd64) and macOS (arm64) precompiled.
- to run the program on your machine, you need the dotnet-8.0-runtime. It can be obtained by Microsoft or at your local packet manager, e.g.
on Ubuntu. - on Linux it can be necessary to set the file as executable for your user (
chmod +x QuIDE
) after unzipping. - we don't have a developer ID for macOS, so you may need to use the following command:
xattr -cr /Applications/
after installation (especially when macOS tells the app is broken).
- Install the .NET-SDK 8.0, which can be found at Microsoft or at your local packet manager, e.g.
on Ubuntu. - Run
dotnet build --configuration Release
in the repository
- Run
- You can find the Quantum.dll at
- To build a single-file-app (Linux & Windows) you can use dotnet publish, e.g.:
dotnet publish QuIDE/QuIDE.csproj -r <linux/win>-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained false -o out/
, then the App is atout/QuIDE<.exe>
and all shared libraries (except dotnet-runtime) are included. - To build a .app on macOS you need two commands:
dotnet publish QuIDE/QuIDE.csproj -r osx-arm64
anddotnet msbuild QuIDE/QuIDE.csproj -t:BundleApp -p:RuntimeIdentifier=osx-arm64 -property:Configuration=Release -p:UseAppHost=true
. Then you find it atQuIDE/bin/Release/net8.0/osx-arm64/publish/
- User Documentation of version 1.0.0 can be found here, until now there are no features in QuIDE 2 which would extend the described functionality.
Feel free to open PRs, open issues and more. We are happy about everbody who helps to make this tool better.