Adding simple positional tracking to VR goggles like Cardboard inexpensively with paper tracking markers.
Cardboard, using front camera : Place marker in front of you, or just face a monitor with this page on-screen
Rift DK1 tracking : Put a marker on front of Rift
Debug : Debug camera and orientation data
- Have about an inch or more or whitespace surrounding the marker for better tracking
- For testing, a phone with the marker on-screen works well
- Tracking is contrast dependent, so the marker being well lit is important
- increased robustness, via better algorithms and multiple marker tracking
- native Cardboard Android app for better performance
- combining inside-out and outside-in tracking to produce middle-out tracking, for optimal tip-to-tip efficiency
- abandon project once Google Tango-like positional tracking supported natively and ubiquitiously
The heavy lifting done by these pieces glued together:
cardboard : google cardboard
three.js : awesome 3d library for the web
js-aruco : js port of the aruco library for tracking