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Release Notes v0.5.3

Mario Juric edited this page Jan 1, 2017 · 1 revision

New in this version: lsd-admin, lsd-import


The new code fixes a number of important bugs, and adds two highly useful utilities: {{{lsd-admin}}} and {{{lsd-import}}}.

  • lsd-admin: Use lsd-admin to create, drop, describe and vacuum tables. See lsd-admin -h (and lsd-admin create -h, lsd-admin drop -h, etc.) for more.

  • lsd-import: the utility for bulk-importing of data into LSD tables. The external data can be given as a list of text or FITS files. See lsd-import text -h and lsd-import fits -h for details.

In conjunction with lsd-admin, lsd-admin lets you import a wide range of catalogs into LSD tables (and get the benefit of on-the-fly xmatching of those catalogs and other LSD tables). Some useful examples are given at the bottom of this e-mail.

Example table schemas can be found in src/schemas source directory.


Some examples

  • Creating a table from YAML schema, and importing the GALEX (GR5) catalog into the newly created table:
lsd-admin create table --schema=schemas/galex.yaml galex_gr5

lsd-import text --force -d , galex_gr5 --cols-file=schemas/ /n/pan/catalogs/GALEX/AIS/*.csv.gz
  • Creating a table with command-line switches, and importing a Hectospec targeting file:

lsd-admin create table --drop-existing \
	--primary-key=target_id --spatial-keys=ra,dec \
	targets \
	target_id:u8 field:a10 ra dec object:a10 \
	rank:i4 type:a10 mag:f4

lsd-import text --set field=north25 --hms ra --dms dec -d '\t' \
	--skip-header=2 targets targets/
  • Describing a table
lsd-admin desc table targets
lsd-admin desc snapshots targets
  • Vacuuming a table (deleting failed transactions)
lsd-admin vacuum table targets
  • Dropping a table
lsd-admin drop table targets