0.1 Preview (July 1, 2016)
- List of things we added support for:
- Support for copyWithZone in UIFont
- Support for image, string and URL properties in UIPasteboard
- Fixed a regression in Xib2Nib for UIViewController
- List of GitHub issues we fixed:
- We’ve added a new Maps sample and tutorial to the WinObjC-Samples repo. Check it out now for guidance on replacing MapKit-based maps in your iOS app with XAML controls and Bing Maps!
- We’ve made some changes to the way the bridge handles touch input processing and made them available on the new ux/uxe branch. We made these changes in order to integrate XAML-backed UIKit controls with the iOS hit-testing mechanism and native responder chain, which results in a much more consistent, functional, and performant input model. The one drawback to this change is that iOS’s dynamic hit-testing functionality – i.e., the ability of any UIView subclass to override the
method to redirect touch input – is no longer supported. The changes will be open to feedback for the next two weeks, after which they will be merged into develop and master.