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Example generic greet functions for generic programming in Rust

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Generic Greet

This repository contains the example generic greet code for my upcoming blog post on generic programming in Rust.


Rust has a powerful type system that allows us to build abstractions that are well-typed. That is, the Rust compiler can help us guarantee that once an abstraction is implemented, it can be safely used with all specialized use of the abstraction that satisfy the imposed invariants.

In this post, we are going to learn some basic design patterns for doing generic programming in Rust. For programmers coming from languages such as Java and C++, the use of generics may seem exotic and intimidating. By the end of this post, we hope that readers will get a better sense of what generic programming is about, and how it differs from object-oriented programmings (OOP).

Generic Greet

For the purpose of demonstrating the programming techniques, we are going to use a contrived example of implementing greet functions that will return strings that greet a person. In the simplest case, we can write a greet function as follows:

fn greet(name: &str) -> String
  format!("Hello, {}!", name)

Our greet function is pretty minimal, with it greeting "Hello" to a person's name specified in the string. This example is deliberately chosen so that we can focus on the programming techniques, rather than getting distracted on whether to implement a greet function in the given way.

Hence for purpose of stirring the discussion: Yes, if what we really want is to implement a greet function, the version of greet function above is already sufficient for the purpose. Commenters reserve the right to not recommend the use in production for the more complex greet functions that we will explore later.

That being said, let's think for a second a more realistic scenario of how the greet function would be implemented in a real world application. In practice, even a simple greet function may contain complex logic such as:

  • Formatting the output to be displayed in HTML or GUI.
  • Greet a peron differently depending on who they are.
  • Use a different language or theme depending on the person's preferences.

For the purpose of this post, we are going to pretend that our greet functions are complex and implement the logic such as listed above.

Greeting Person

Our initial greet function simply takes in a person's name as a string. What if it needs more information than just a person's name? In practice, we would define data types such as a CasualPerson struct to hold all information about a person:

pub struct CasualPerson
  pub name: String,
  // additional fields omitted

Our CasualPerson struct may contain other information such as email address and phone number. For the purpose of the greet function, we only care about the person's name, so we have the other fields omitted. Our greet function is then updated to take in &CasualPerson as a parameter:

fn greet(person: &CasualPerson) -> String
  format!("Hello, {}!",

By taking in the full CasualPerson struct, our greet function will be able to be extended in the future to make use of other fields, such as whether to greet the person in dark mode.

To make it easier to construct new CasualPerson values, we also define a new constructor method:

impl CasualPerson
  pub fn new(name: &str) -> Self
    Self {
      name: name.to_string(),

Greeting Different Kinds of Persons

So far we have a single CasualPerson struct that needs to be greeted. But what if our application has multiple structs that the greet function needs to handle? For example, we may have a FormalPerson struct that records the first and last name as separate fields with additional information such as title:

pub struct FormalPerson
  pub title: String,
  pub first_name: String,
  pub last_name: String,

impl FormalPerson
  pub fn new(
    title: &str,
    first_name: &str,
    last_name: &str,
  ) -> Self
    Self {
      title: title.to_string(),
      first_name: first_name.to_string(),
      last_name: last_name.to_string(),

To greet a FormalPerson, we may want to greet the person with their full name and title. We could write a separate greet_formal function as follows:

fn greet_formal(person: &FormalPerson) -> String
    "Hello, {} {} {}!",
    person.title, person.first_name, person.last_name

But now we would have duplicate logic in both greet and greet_formal. In both cases we start the greeting by the word "Hello", followed by the person's full name. Our greet logic is quite simple because this is just for demo purpose. However we can imagine that in practice the logic may be much more complicated, with multiple places in the code that requires the use of other fields in the struct.

Even if we manage to deduplicate some common logic, things would still get complicated when we implement more structs that need to be handled by our greet function. For example, we would add an Anonymous struct to greet strangers:

pub struct Anonymous
  pub id: u64,

impl Anonymous
  pub fn new(id: u64) -> Self
    Self { id }

fn greet_anonymous(person: &Anonymous) -> String
  format!("Hello, Anonymous #{}!",

As our greet application grows more complex, we want to make use of more advanced features in Rust to help us design proper abstractions for our greet function.

The HasName Trait

In the different versions of greet functions that we defined earlier, they all greet a person with "Hello", followed by the person's name derived from available information. In Rust we can define a trait called HasName that abstracts the logic of getting a person's name:

pub trait HasName
  fn name(&self) -> String;

For readers coming from OOP background, Rust traits may look similar to OOP concepts such as interfaces or classes. While it is true that we can use Rust traits by treating them like their OOP counterparts, there are also many powerful concepts that only Rust traits can provide. But first let's take a look at how we can use HasName in an OOP fashion.

First, we can implement HasName for CasualPerson as follows:

impl HasName for CasualPerson
  fn name(&self) -> String

In Rust, traits can be implemented for a given type, with the type Self being a type alias to the type that implements the trait. The trait method name accepts a special argument &self, which has the type &Self and returns a String. For the case of CasualPerson, we can simply get the person's name from its name field (which is different from the name method). We also use the clone method from the Clone trait to make a copy of the name string and return it.

Now that we have implemented HasName for CasualPerson, we can use the method call notation .name() to get the name of a person:

let person = CasualPerson::new("Alice");
let name =;

Behind the scene, Rust recognizes the trait methods with self in the first argument, and desugars them into a fully qualified function call with the self value being the first argument. So the call to is equivalent to follows:

let name = HasName::name(&person);

In many cases, we use self in trait methods as a syntactic sugar so that trait methods can be called in a more convenient way. It is important to understand that unlike in OOP, we are not obligated to always use self in trait methods. For example, it is totally fine if we redefine HasName as follows:

pub trait HasName2
  fn name(person: &Self) -> String;

The main difference of defining HasName2 this way is that we now have to always use the fully qualified syntax HasName2::name(person) to get the name of a person. While it may look inconvenient, this is a powerful feature to keep in mind for the future, as we can define advanced trait methods that do not use the Self type directly in the first argument.

Next, we also define the HasName implementation for FormalPerson and Anonymous:

impl HasName for FormalPerson
  fn name(&self) -> String
    format!("{} {} {}", self.title, self.first_name, self.last_name)

impl HasName for Anonymous
  fn name(&self) -> String
    format!("Anonymous #{}",

With the trait implementations in place, we will then look at how we can define greet functions that can work with any type that implements HasName.

Type Erasure with dyn Traits

For programmers coming from OOP background, Rust offers the dyn trait feature that erases information about the original type and make it work similar to objects in OOP. Using dyn, we can define our greet function to accept references to values that implement HasName, without knowing the type of the value:

fn greet(person: &dyn HasName) -> String
  format!("Hello, {}!",

The way the above greet function works is that during runtime, there is a single version of the greet function that can work with all values whose type implement HasName. When the function is called, it is given a pointer that points to a value together with the virtual table that contain the address of the trait methods. The function can then use the virtual table to perform dynamic dispatch to call the actual trait method that is implemented for the given value.

An advantage of using dyn is that since there is only one version of greet being compiled, the resulting binary takes less space as compared to the generic approach that we will look into later. As a trade off, there is additional overhead of using dynamic dispatch to look up the method calls, and the compiler may not be able to optimize the function by inlining the implementation for a specific type.

Existential Types and dyn Trait Objects

When we convert a value into dyn trait object, we are effectively erasing the original type for the value and turn it into a value with an existential type. This means that when we see a dyn trait object, we only know that there exist some type for the underlying value, but there is no way to recover what type it is. The most common way we can erase the type of a value is by putting it into a Box:

let person1: Box<dyn HasName> = Box::new(CasualPerson::new("Alice"));

Once we have created a Box<dyn HasName> value, we lost the information that the original type behind the boxed value is in fact CasualPerson. Because of this, we can create Box<dyn HasName> constructed from other types such as FormalPerson, and Rust would treat them as having the same type. With that we can for instance put the different boxed values into the same Vec:

let person2: Box<dyn HasName> = Box::new(
  FormalPerson::new("Mr.", "John", "Smith"));
let persons: Vec<Box<dyn HasName>> = vec![person1, person2];

Using dyn trait objects, it is relatively straightforward to write a function like greet_many, which accepts a Vec<Box<dyn HasName>> and return a Vec<String> containing greetings for all persons inside the given list:

fn greet_many(persons: Vec<Box<dyn HasName>>) -> Vec<String>
    .map(|person| greet(person.as_ref()))

The main limitation however is that we cannot give it other versions of the list, such as Vec<CasualPerson> or Vec<FormalPerson>. The values must first be converted into boxed values, and doing so may have additional performance overhead. We will later look at how the generic version of greet_many can make the implementation more concise and also more performant.

Limitations of dyn Trait Objects

It is most useful to use dyn trait objects when we need data structures to hold values from multiple concret types at the same type. However the dyn trait objects in Rust do not have the full capabilities of existential types in languages such as OCaml and Haskell. There are also various object safety restrictions of how a dyn trait can be defined. Most infamously, the Self type in trait object cannot appear in places other than the first position of a trait method.

trait Clone {
  fn clone(&self) -> Self;

As a result, traits such as Clone shown above cannot be made into a dyn trait object. This makes sense because consider the following use:

let boxed: Box<dyn Clone> = Box::new("Hello".to_string());
let cloned: ?? = boxed.clone();

If Clone were allowed to be made into a dyn trait object, then what should be the type of cloned? Since the original type has been erased, there is no way Rust can know what the return type Self should be. While it is trivial to determine that Self should be String in the above example, in general it is not possible for us to determine that in arbitrary code.

Generic Programming

The use of object-safe trait definition is only a small subset of features that Rust traits can provide. More generally, traits are much more useful when used in conjunction with generic programming. At the most basic level, generic programming in Rust is about writing an abstract version of a function that can be specialized to work with multiple concrete types.

We can see how generic programming work in action by seeing a generic version of the greet function:

fn greet<P: HasName>(person: &P) -> String
  format!("Hello, {}!",

The above version of greet function can work against any type P that implements HasName. As a result, we can for example call greet with both CasualPerson and FormalPerson:

let person1 = CasualPerson::new("Alice");
let person2 = FormalPerson::new("Mr.", "John", "Smith");


During compilation, Rust would generate two different versions of the greet function, and call the specialized version of the function depending on the type. So the above code would be roughly equivalent to writing the following non-generic version of the code:

fn greet_casual(person: &CasualPerson) -> String
  format!("Hello, {}!", CasualPerson::name(&person))

fn greet_formal(person: &FormalPerson) -> String
  format!("Hello, {}!", FormalPerson::name(&person))

let person1 = CasualPerson::new("Alice");
let person2 = FormalPerson::new("Mr.", "John", "Smith");


The process of generating multiple specialized versions of a generic function is called monomorphization. Since the Rust compiler can see inside the body of each specialized function, it can also perform additional optimization such as inlining to speed up the code.

Dictionary Passing Style

It may look a little magical of how Rust actually process and monomorphize generic functions. One way to understand this is by thinking of traits as dictionary structs that contains functions that implement the methods for the traits. For the case of the HasName trait, we can imagine it being a HasNameDict struct:

pub struct HasNameDict<P>
  pub name: fn(&P) -> String,

In the dictionary version of the definition, instead of having an implicit Self type, the struct is now explicitly parameterized by the type parameter P. The struct contains a field name, which is a function pointer toward the implementation that accepts a &P and returns a String.

A dictionary version of the generic greet function can be defined without the P: HasName trait bound, and instead works with any type P provided the caller provides a HasNameDict<P> struct that contains the imptementation:

fn greet_with_dict<P>(
  dict: &HasNameDict<P>,
  person: &P,
) -> String
  format!("Hello, {}!", (

Now instead of calling HasName::name directly, the greet_with_dict function would use the function field in to call the method. To call this function, we would have to manually construct the dictionary such as follows:

fn formal_person_name(person: &FormalPerson) -> String {
  format!("{} {} {}",
    person.title, person.first_name, person.last_name)

let formal_person_has_name_dict = HasNameDict {
  name: formal_person_name

let person = FormalPerson::new("Mr.", "John", "Smith");
greet_with_dict(&formal_person_has_name_dict, &person);

As we can see, the dictionary version of HasName require much more boilerplate as compared to the trait definition. Fortunately, Rust does all of this for us at compile time, so we don't need to worry about constructing and passing the dictionaries manually. In fact, the dictionaries are not present at runtime, so there is also no overhead of calling the dictionary methods.

Nevertheless, dictionary passing style serves as a good mental model for us to picture how traits work in Rust. This is in particular important as it will help us learn about more advanced trait implementation approaches in later sections.

(to be continue..)


Example generic greet functions for generic programming in Rust






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