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Max Kowalski edited this page May 8, 2020 · 4 revisions

PLEASE NOTE Master branch supports stable rclone, to use services requiring the newer beta flags such as sarotate use sarotate-rclonebeta branch.

Clone the repository.

git clone

cd smount

Edit or create your set file - see sets for example.

Config rclone so all mount points are authorised and named. You can generate an rclone compatible text file if required using the included tool.

Edit to include your variables. You will need to add your USER and GROUP. If you wish to place your set directory elsewhere you can add the path too.

USER=max #user name goes here
GROUP=max #group name goes here

Edit permisions for

chmod +x

Run the file with a referenced setfile, eg:-

./ set.mount

Wait a few mins and your vfs mounts will be populated at /mnt/sharedrives/

You can then edit your mergerfs / unionfs set up if needed.

Clone this wiki locally