Development code for a light interface to the ONT minION device
Currently only tested on a raspberry pi! Your PI and the minKNOW machine must be running on the same network and need at this time to have a very open network.
Suggested use case is to run on your own local network - I often set up a shared network from the laptop running minKNOW.
To build the hardware needed go to:
A guide to assembling the hardware is here:
To build a case for this you can 3D print using the model in the 3dPrintFiles folder.
To clone repository:
git clone --recursive
cd rpi-rgb-led-matrix
cp ../
cd fonts
pilfont *.bdf
cd ..
cd ..
sudo python -ip ip.of.your.minknow
Note that the ip address is the ip of your minKNOW running computer.
Currently MinKNOW MUST BE RUNNING before you launch this for it to work.
Also this MUST be run as sudo.
For full help:
python -h
usage: [-h] -ip IP [-v] [-r] [-n] [-b]
interaction: A program to provide real time interaction for minION runs. Args
that start with '--' (eg. --ip-address) can also be set in a config file
(/path/to/512array_Nanolights/minup_posix.config or ) by
using .ini or .yaml-style syntax (eg. ip-address=value). If an arg is
specified in more than one place, then command-line values override config
file values which override defaults.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ip IP, --ip-address IP
The IP address of the minKNOW machine.
-v, --verbose Display debugging information.
-r, --ratio This option prints the ratio of in strand to
-n, --no_lights Inactivate lights for testing and development
-b, --brightness Halves brightness for comfort!