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A lightweight Julia package to define equality and hash for structs


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This is a Julia package to define equality and hash for structs. It is similar to AutoHashEquals.jl, StructEquality.jl and StructHelpers.jl. It aims to be lightweight and does not use @generated code.


The macro call

@struct_equal_hash T [fields]

generates definitions for ==, isequal and hash for the struct T,

    function x::T == y::T
    function isequal(x::T, y::T)
    function hash(x::T, h0::UInt)

The equality tests are applied, using short-circuit logic, to the fields of T specified by the tuple fields. The default for fields is all fields of T in the order in which they have been declared. The hash is similarly computed over the type name T as well as over the fields given by fields. Empty structs are allowed.

The type can be a UnionAll type like T{P} where P. In this case the definitions are

    function x::T{P} == y::T{P} where P
    function isequal(x::T{P}, y::T{P}) where P
    function hash(x::T{P}, h0::UInt) where P

Here the methods for == and isequal only apply if x and y are of the same type T{P} (for the same P). If you do not want this for a parametric type, you can simply use the form without parameters.


julia> struct T{P}; x::Int; y::P end

julia> @struct_equal_hash T

julia> @struct_equal_hash T{Char} (:x,)

julia> @struct_equal_hash T{P} where P <: Number (:y,)

julia> T(1, "a") == T(1, "b")   # method for T

julia> T(1, [1, 2]) == T(1, [1.0, 2.0])   # method for T

julia> T(1, 'a') == T(1, 'b')   # method for T{Char}

julia> T(1, 1) == T(2, 1)       # method for T{P} where P <: Number

Types with several parameters

If T has two parameters, then

    @struct_equal_hash T{P,Q} where {P,Q}

defines methods where the types P and Q must agree for the two arguments of == and isequal. If you only want the first types to agree, you can say

    @struct_equal_hash T{P,Q where Q} where P

or, equivalently,

    @struct_equal_hash T{P} where P

If you only want the second types to agree, you can say

    @struct_equal_hash T{P where P,Q} where Q

If both types may differ, you can say

    @struct_equal_hash T{P where P,Q where Q}

or again omit the parameters.


A lightweight Julia package to define equality and hash for structs





