A game I made for a class to demonstrate some stuff you can do with OpenGL, C++, and SDL2 libraries.
- escape the house
- wasd - move
- space - jump
- mouse wheel - zoom in/out
- e and/or left click - interact/use
- ESC - win the game by giving up like a sissy
requirements to compile with debian (built on Linux Mint, these instructions should work with any Debian based distro)
apt install freeglut3-dev
apt install libglew-dev
opengl32 - usually comes with your graphics card drivers
apt install libsdl2-mixer-dev
apt install libglm-dev
clone this repo
cd TheOnlyEscapeIsESC mkdir build/ cd build/ cmake -S .
if it fails, address requirements/dependencies and try again
- vcpkg for libraries
clone repo
option1: use Visual Studio
- continue without code...
- File->Open->CMake...
- use IDE build/run commands
option2: use cmake
- see linux version, same commands
There may be furture iterations of this project that include textures, lighting, more content, and other various improvements if I can find time to work on it. Anyone checking this out, feel free to work on it if you want, there is a lot of room for improvements. Submit a Pull Request if you think the changes benefit the overall program.