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An open-source Node.js API to read the MatryxPlatform and to interact with IPFS to be consumed by anyone creating Matryx interfaces.


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An open-source NodeJS API to easily read the Matryx Platform with full IPFS integration.

logo An open-source node.js api to read the MatryxPlatform and interact with IPFS to be consumed by anyone creating Matryx interfaces.

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Check out our full documentation at

Read the Whitepaper at

Running the API

Downloaded the dependencies

yarn install

DEV: Serve the API with hot reload at localhost:3000

npm run dev

PROD: Service the API in forever mode to restart if fails

npm start

PROD: Run PROD as a background process

nohup npm start &

Hold down ‘control’ and press ‘A’ then ‘D’

Launching MatryxExplorer on an AWS EC2 instance (WIP: Single deploy Dockerization)

  1. SSH into your AWS instance + configure your AWS security to accept HTTP port 80

2. Update your EC2 instance sudo yum update

3. Install Docker

  • sudo yum install docker

4. Run MatryxIPFS on your docker instance

  • Go to the MatryxIPFS repository and do a Docker Build and then push it using the following script
echo "" > remote-actions.txt

echo "sudo yum update -y" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo yum install -y docker" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo service docker start" >> remote-actions.txt

echo -n "sudo " >> remote-actions.txt
aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-west-1 >> remote-actions.txt

echo "sudo docker network create --subnet= --driver=bridge matryx-explorer-network" >> remote-actions.txt

echo "sudo docker volume create matryx-ipfs-volume" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo docker stop matryx-ipfs" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo docker rm -f matryx-ipfs" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo docker run \
    -dit --restart unless-stopped \
    --name=matryx-ipfs \
    --net=matryx-explorer-network --ip \
    -v matryx-ipfs-volume:/root \
    -p 8080:8080 -p 4001:4001 -p 5001:5001 -p 443:443 \
    matryx-ipfs" >> remote-actions.txt

ssh -i "<path/to/your/.pemFile>" ec2-user@<yourEC2ipAddress> 'bash -s' < remote-actions.txt

rm remote-actions.txt

5. Get the IPFS Peer ID Hash

  • When you ssh into your EC2 instance, use a docker logs -f <containerID> and copy the Peer ID hash (it looks like QmQ88tsHquF5reE7Bbe8PDpeXo1yzqbZBBKoqh9xV5V5la, I just made a random one) for later

6. Change the .env for the MatryxExplorer file to point at the IPFS node

  • Now we need to make sure that your MatryxExplorer instance points at the IPFS node you have running. In the '.env' file, swap out the existing Peer ID hash for the one you copied above. It should look like:
  • Make sure to save

7. Build and deploy MatryxExplorer

  • Run a docker build docker build .
  • Now deploy to your EC2 instance using a script like this:
echo "" > remote-actions.txt

echo "sudo yum update -y" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo yum install -y docker" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo service docker start" >> remote-actions.txt

echo -n "sudo " >> remote-actions.txt
aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-west-1 >> remote-actions.txt

echo "sudo docker network create --subnet= --driver=bridge matryx-explorer-network" >> remote-actions.txt

echo "sudo docker volume create matryx-alpha-explorer-volume" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo docker stop matryx-alpha-explorer" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo docker rm -f matryx-alpha-explorer" >> remote-actions.txt
echo "sudo docker run \
    -dit --restart unless-stopped \
    --name=matryx-alpha-explorer \
    --net=matryx-explorer-network \
    -v matryx-alpha-explorer-volume:/root \
    -p 80:3000 \
    matryx-alpha-explorer" >> remote-actions.txt

ssh -i "<path/to/your/.pemFile>" ec2-user@<yourEC2ipAddress> 'bash -s' < remote-actions.txt

rm remote-actions.txt

9. It will now be running!

  • Make sure to check the logs of MatryxExplorer to see that there is the correct peer connected
  • Make sure your EC2 security group is configured with the following ports


The Matryx Team

Architecture Below: architecture


An open-source Node.js API to read the MatryxPlatform and to interact with IPFS to be consumed by anyone creating Matryx interfaces.







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