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A student web portal which provides resources and materials, even remotely connected to academics.

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How to contribute

The website uses flask framework and is hosted on heroku. To contribute to this website, follow the following steps:


First, fork the above repository to your own github profile. Do not clone this repo mathletes/website . You must fork it to your own profile first and then clone it your-user-name/website.

Cloning the repo:

$ git clone
$ cd website

After getting inside the repository, run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the requirements needed to run the app, i.e. flask and gunicorn. Make sure you have pip installed beforehand.

Then, run the flask application by:

gunicorn app:app -b

This will set the website running on your local server. To see your website running, open your browser and enter this URL:


That's it!

Making changes

The folder contains all necessary html, css and javascript files in seperate folders. For making changes in front-end, make an edit to the html and css files in static and templates and see your local changes by running the application on your localhost.

Development workflow

Branches are one of the basic concepts of git. There is a main branch master, and new branches are created out of the main master branch. Every branch represents a feature you are working on, and it has different series of commits. Once a feature is complete, the new branch is merged into the master branch.

Branches allow us to work on more than 1 feature at the same time, thus helping us avoid mixing of commits. If during the process, there are useless commits added and the whole branch is messed up, you can easily delete the branch and create a fresh branch from the main master branch.

Note: Never ever commit or rebase on your master branch.

The development workflow goes like this :

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Cd into the repo.

  3. Currently, you are on your master branch. Suppose you want to work on a feature X, (e.g.,Adding background image on the home page), you should a create a new branch with some name of your choice, with:

    git branch <branch-name>
    And then, checkout to the branch you created by:

    git checkout <branch-name> This brings you to your new branch <branch-name>.

  4. Now, open up your text editor, make some changes to the files you want to, save it. When you have made a considerable amount of change, commit. You should commit neither too often nor too late.

    The process of commiting goes like this:

    git status : This shows the status of your files, i.e. it shows which files are present in the staging area and which are not.

    git add <path/to/file> : This adds the selected files to the staging area. To add, all the files to staging area, do git add .

    git commit : On doing this, a text editor opens up and you are asked to enter a commmit message. Commit message should be short (less than 50 characters), and should convey what change you have made. Keep the commit message as meaningful as possible.

  5. You have successfully committed your changes. You can add a few more commits, and then push these changes to your remote repository by : git push origin <branch-name>.
    Note that all these changes took place in your created branch <branch-name> , and you can delete whatever changes you made by deleting the branch. The above command pushed youur code online to your github repository.

  6. Go to github's online repository and you can see an option of Compare and Pull request against your recently pushed branches. Make a Pull request by entering a short meaningful message and a meaningful comment about what your pull request does.

Mock practice for new-comers

To get yourself familiar with the development workflow, you can practice sending a PR on our git-sandbox ( Clone this repo and add your name in the list.! :D

For any doubts and dicussions, join the gitter channel, by clicking on the gitter-badger button at the top of the README. Feel free to open issues, send pull requests and review them.

The website's URL is given in the decription and it will reflect your changes once your PR is merged into master.