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hivert committed Sep 23, 2018
1 parent 0c39777 commit f3a37ba
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,103 additions and 1,062 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions 3rdparty/ALEA/Qmeasure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1098,9 +1098,9 @@ Lemma mu_stable_sum (A : Type) (m : distr A)
mu m (fun a => \sum_(i <- s) f i a) = \sum_(i <- s) (mu m (f i)).
elim: s => [| s0 s IHs] /=.
rewrite big_nil; apply mu_zero_eq => x; by rewrite big_nil.
by rewrite big_nil; apply mu_zero_eq => x; rewrite big_nil.
rewrite big_cons -IHs -mu_stable_add.
apply Mstable_eq => x /=; by rewrite big_cons.
by apply Mstable_eq => x /=; rewrite big_cons.

Expand All @@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ Lemma in_seq_sum s x :
uniq s -> (x \in s)%:~R = \sum_(i <- s) (x == i)%:~R :> rat.
elim: s => [| s0 s IHs] /=; first by rewrite big_nil.
rewrite inE big_cons => /andP [] /negbTE Hs0 /IHs <- {IHs}.
rewrite inE big_cons => /andP [/negbTE Hs0 /IHs <- {IHs}].
case: (boolP (x == s0)) => [/= /eqP -> | _ ]; last by rewrite /= add0r.
by rewrite Hs0 addr0.
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions theories/Combi/composition.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Lemma enum_compn_rec_any aux1 aux2 n :
n <= aux1 -> n <= aux2 -> enum_compn_rec aux1 n = enum_compn_rec aux2 n.
elim: aux1 aux2 n => [| aux1 IHaux1] aux2 n /=.
rewrite leqn0 => /eqP -> //=; by case aux2.
by rewrite leqn0 => /eqP -> //=; case aux2.
case: (altP (n =P 0)) => [-> | Hn Haux1] //=; first by case aux2.
case: aux2 => [| aux2 /= Haux2].
by rewrite leqn0 => /eqP H; rewrite H eq_refl in Hn.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma enum_compnP n s : (is_comp_of_n n s) = (s \in enum_compn n).
apply/idP/idP; last by move/(allP (enum_compn_allP n)).
rewrite -has_pred1 has_count; by move/enum_compn_countE ->.
by rewrite -has_pred1 has_count; move/enum_compn_countE ->.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Definition intcomp_of_intcompn (p : intcompn) := IntComp (intcompnP p).
Coercion intcomp_of_intcompn : intcompn >-> intcomp.

Lemma intcompn_sumn (p : intcompn) : sumn p = n.
Proof using . by case: p => /= p /andP [] /eqP. Qed.
Proof using . by case: p => /= p /andP [/eqP]. Qed.

Lemma enum_intcompnE : map val (enum {:intcompn}) = enum_compn n.
Proof using . rewrite /=; exact: enum_subE. Qed.
Expand All @@ -231,18 +231,18 @@ Lemma intcompn2 (sh : intcompn 2) :
sh = [:: 2] :> seq nat \/ sh = [:: 1; 1] :> seq nat.
case: sh => sh Hsh /=; move: Hsh; rewrite enum_compnP.
rewrite /enum_compn /= !inE => /orP [] /eqP ->; by [left | right].
by rewrite /enum_compn /= !inE => /orP [] /eqP ->; [right | left].

Definition intcompn_cast m n (eq_mn : m = n) p :=
let: erefl in _ = n := eq_mn return intcompn n in p.

Lemma intcompn_castE m n (eq_mn : m = n) p : val (intcompn_cast eq_mn p) = val p.
Proof. subst m; by case: p. Qed.
Proof. by subst m; case: p. Qed.

Definition rowcomp d := if d is _.+1 then [:: d] else [::].
Fact rowcompnP d : is_comp_of_n d (rowcomp d).
Proof. case: d => [//= | d]; by rewrite /is_comp_of_n /= addn0 eq_refl. Qed.
Proof. by case: d => [//= | d]; rewrite /is_comp_of_n /= addn0 eq_refl. Qed.
Canonical rowcompn d : intcompn d := IntCompN (rowcompnP d).

Definition colcomp d := nseq d 1%N.
Expand Down
27 changes: 13 additions & 14 deletions theories/Combi/vectNK.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Fixpoint vect_n_k n k :=
Lemma vect_n_k_in n k s : sumn s == n -> size s == k -> s \in vect_n_k n k.
elim: k n s => [| k IHk n].
- case => [s _ /nilP -> //= | n]; by case.
- by case => [s _ /nilP -> //= | n]; case.
- case => [//= | s0 s] /eqP Hsum Hsize.
apply/flattenP; rewrite -/vect_n_k /mkseq.
exists (map (cons s0) (vect_n_k (n - s0) k)).
Expand All @@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ Qed.
Lemma in_vect_n_k n k s : s \in vect_n_k n k -> (sumn s == n) && (size s == k).
elim: k n s => [| k IHk n]; first case => [[| s0 s]|] //=.
case => [|s0 s] /flattenP [] ll /mapP [] i Hi -> /mapP [] s' //=.
rewrite -/vect_n_k => /IHk /andP [] /eqP Hsum /eqP Hsize [] -> ->.
case => [|s0 s] /flattenP /= [ll /mapP [i Hi ->] /mapP [s' //=]].
rewrite -/vect_n_k => /IHk /andP [/eqP Hsum /eqP Hsize] [-> ->].
rewrite Hsize /= eq_refl andbT Hsum.
move: Hi; rewrite mem_iota add0n ltnS => /andP [] _ Hi.
move: Hi; rewrite mem_iota add0n ltnS => /andP [_ Hi].
by rewrite addnC subnK.

Expand All @@ -78,17 +78,16 @@ Lemma count_mem_vect_n_k_eq_1 n k s :
elim: k n s=> [/=| k IHk n s]; first by case=> s //=; rewrite mem_seq1 => /eqP ->.
rewrite count_flatten -/vect_n_k -map_comp.
case: s => [|s0 s]; first by rewrite vect_n_kP /= => /andP [] _.
move/flatten_mapP; rewrite -/vect_n_k => [] [] i.
case: s => [|s0 s]; first by rewrite vect_n_kP /= => /andP [_].
move/flatten_mapP; rewrite -/vect_n_k => [] [i].
rewrite mem_iota [iota _ _]lock add0n => Hs0.
move/mapP => [] t Ht [] H1 H2; subst i; subst t.
move/mapP => [t Ht [H1 H2]]; subst i; subst t.
rewrite (eq_map (f2 := (fun i : nat => i == s0 : nat))).
by unlock; apply: sumn_iota; rewrite add0n.
move=> i; rewrite /= count_map /=.
rewrite (eq_count (a2 := fun t => (i == s0) && (s == t))); first last.
rewrite /= /preim => t /=.
apply/idP/idP => [/eqP [] -> -> | /andP [] /eqP -> /eqP -> //].
by rewrite !eq_refl.
by apply/eqP/andP => [[-> ->] | [/eqP -> /eqP ->]].
case H : (i == s0) => /=; last by rewrite count_pred0.
rewrite (eq_count (a2 := (xpred1 s))); last exact: eq_sym.
by apply: IHk; rewrite (eqP H).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,13 +128,13 @@ Qed.
Lemma flatten_equiv_cut_k s ss : s == flatten ss <-> ss \in cut_k (size ss) s.
Proof using.
split; first by move=> /eqP ->; apply (cut_k_flatten ss).
move => /mapP [] sh; rewrite vect_n_kP => /andP [] /eqP Hsum _ H; subst ss.
move => /mapP [sh]; rewrite vect_n_kP => /andP [/eqP Hsum _] H; subst ss.
by rewrite reshapeKr; last rewrite Hsum.

Lemma size_cut_k k s ss : ss \in (cut_k k s) -> size ss = k.
Proof using.
rewrite /cut_k => /mapP [] sh /in_vect_n_k /andP [] /eqP Hsum /eqP Hsize -> {ss}.
rewrite /cut_k => /mapP [sh /in_vect_n_k/andP [/eqP Hsum /eqP Hsize] -> {ss}].
by rewrite -(size_map size _) -/(shape _) reshapeKl; last rewrite Hsum.

Expand All @@ -160,13 +159,13 @@ Lemma cat3_equiv_cut3 s a b c : s == a ++ b ++ c <-> (a, b, c) \in cut3 s.
Proof using.
have -> : (a ++ b ++ c) = flatten [:: a; b; c] by rewrite /= cats0.
rewrite flatten_equiv_cut_k /cut3; split.
- move=> H; apply/mapP; by exists [:: a; b; c].
- move=> /mapP [] t.
- by move=> H; apply/mapP; exists [:: a; b; c].
- move=> /mapP [t].
case: t => [| t0 t]; first by rewrite /cut_k => /size_cut_k.
case: t => [| t1 t]; first by rewrite /cut_k => /size_cut_k.
case: t => [| t2 t]; first by rewrite /cut_k => /size_cut_k.
case: t => [| t3 t]; last by rewrite /cut_k => /size_cut_k.
by move=> Hcut [] -> -> ->.
by move=> Hcut [-> -> ->].

End Cut3.
61 changes: 31 additions & 30 deletions theories/LRrule/Yam_plact.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ Lemma is_part_incr_nthE sh i j :
i.+1 < j -> is_part sh -> is_part (incr_nth (incr_nth sh j) i) ->
is_part (incr_nth sh i) = is_part (incr_nth sh j).
move=> Hij Hpart /is_partP [] Hlastji Hpartij.
apply/idP/idP => /is_partP [] H1 H2; apply: (is_part_incr_nth Hpart) => /=.
move=> Hij Hpart /is_partP [Hlastji Hpartij].
apply/idP/idP => /is_partP [H1 H2]; apply: (is_part_incr_nth Hpart) => /=.
- case H : j => [//= | j'] /=; subst j.
move/(_ j'): Hpartij; rewrite !nth_incr_nth.
rewrite eq_refl (ltn_eqF (ltnW Hij)).
Expand All @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Lemma is_part_incr_nth1E sh i :
move=> Hpart; apply/idP/idP => Hparti.
- apply (is_part_incr_nth Hpart) => /=.
case: i Hparti => [//= | i] /is_partP [] _ Hparti /=.
case: i Hparti => [//= | i] /is_partP [_ Hparti /=].
move/(_ i): Hparti.
rewrite !nth_incr_nth /= eq_refl.
rewrite eq_sym ltn_eqF // eq_sym ltn_eqF //.
Expand All @@ -83,18 +83,18 @@ move=> Hpart; apply/idP/idP => Hparti.
elim: sh i Hpart Hparti => [//= | s0 sh IHsh] /= i.
by move=> _ /part_head_non0 Hhead; have -> : i = 0 by case: i Hhead.
case: i => [| i] /= /andP [Head Hp]; first by move=> _ ; move: Head; case sh.
by move=> /andP [] _ Hpi; exact: IHsh.
by move=> /andP [_ Hpi]; exact: IHsh.

Lemma is_yam_plactic y : is_yam y -> forall w, y =Pl w -> is_yam w.
move=> Hy; apply: gencongr_ind; first exact Hy.
elim => [/= | a0 aw /= IHaw].
- move=> b1 cw b2 H /plactruleP [] Hrew.
+ move: Hrew H => /plact1P [] a [] b [] c [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [] Hab Hbc -> -> /=.
+ move: Hrew H => /plact1P [a] [b] [c] [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [Hab Hbc] -> -> /=.
set yc := (incr_nth (evalseq cw) b).
move=> /and4P [] H1 H2 Hpart ->; rewrite Hpart.
move=> /and4P [H1 H2 Hpart ->]; rewrite Hpart.
rewrite incr_nthC H1 !andbT /=.
case (ltnP a.+1 c) => Hac; first by rewrite (is_part_incr_nthE Hac).
have {Hab} Hab : a = b.
Expand All @@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ elim => [/= | a0 aw /= IHaw].
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hbc Hac.
subst c.
by rewrite -is_part_incr_nth1E.
+ move: Hrew H => /plact1iP [] a [] b [] c [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [] Hab Hbc -> -> /=.
+ move: Hrew H => /plact1iP [a] [b] [c] [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [Hab Hbc] -> -> /=.
set yc := (incr_nth (evalseq cw) b).
move=> /and4P []; rewrite incr_nthC => H1 H2 Hpart Hyam.
rewrite Hpart Hyam H1 !andbT /=.
Expand All @@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ elim => [/= | a0 aw /= IHaw].
subst c; subst yc.
rewrite incr_nthC is_part_incr_nth1E; first exact Hpart.
exact: is_part_eval_yam.
+ move: Hrew H => /plact2P [] a [] b [] c [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [] Hab Hbc -> -> /=.
+ move: Hrew H => /plact2P [a] [b] [c] [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [Hab Hbc] -> -> /=.
move=> /and4P []; rewrite [(incr_nth (incr_nth _ a) c)]incr_nthC.
move => H1 H2 Hpart Hyam.
rewrite Hyam H1 H2 !andbT /= {H1}.
Expand All @@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ elim => [/= | a0 aw /= IHaw].
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hbc /=; exact: (leq_trans Hac).
subst b.
have {Hac Hab} Hac : c = a.+1.
apply/eqP; by rewrite eqn_leq Hac Hab.
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hac Hab.
subst c.
by rewrite -(is_part_incr_nth1E _ (is_part_eval_yam Hyam)).
+ move: Hrew H => /plact2iP [] a [] b [] c [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [] Hab Hbc -> -> /=.
+ move: Hrew H => /plact2iP [a] [b] [c] [].
rewrite leqXnatE ltnXnatE => /andP [Hab Hbc] -> -> /=.
move=> /and4P []; rewrite (incr_nthC _ a c) => H1 H2 Hpart Hyam.
rewrite Hyam H1 H2 !andbT /=.
case (ltnP a.+1 c) => Hac.
Expand All @@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ elim => [/= | a0 aw /= IHaw].
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hac Hab.
subst c.
apply (is_part_incr_nth (is_part_eval_yam Hyam)) => /=.
move: H1 => /is_partP [] _ /(_ a).
move: H1 => /is_partP [_ /(_ a)].
by rewrite !nth_incr_nth !eq_refl [_.+1 == _]eq_sym ltn_eqF.
- move=> b1 cw b2 /andP [] Hpart Hyam Hrew.
- move=> b1 cw b2 /andP [Hpart Hyam] Hrew.
rewrite (IHaw _ _ _ Hyam Hrew) andbT.
suff -> : (evalseq (aw ++ b2 ++ cw)) = (evalseq (aw ++ b1 ++ cw)) by [].
rewrite -!evalseq_countE /evalseq_count /=.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ apply /and4P; repeat split.
by elim: l => [//= | l] /= ->; rewrite andbT.
- have -> : head [::] (yamtab_rec i.+1 sh) = nseq (head 0 sh) i.+1.
by case sh => [//= | l0 l] /=.
move: Hpart => /= /andP [] Hhead _.
move: Hpart => /= /andP [Hhead _].
move: Hhead; case: sh {IHsh} => [//= | s1 /= _] Hs.
apply /dominateP; split; first by rewrite !size_nseq.
move=> j; rewrite size_nseq !nth_nseq => Hj.
by rewrite Hj (leq_trans Hj Hs) ltnXnatE.
- by move: Hpart => /= /andP [] _; exact: IHsh.
- by move: Hpart => /= /andP [_]; exact: IHsh.

Lemma yamtab_rcons sh sn :
Expand All @@ -224,32 +224,33 @@ have := is_part_sht Htab.
rewrite /shape map_rcons -/shape.
move: Hrec; move: (shape t) => sh Ht; subst t.
case/lastP: sh Htab Hyam => [| sh sn] /=.
move=> /and3P [] _ Hrow _.
move=> /and3P [_ Hrow _].
rewrite /yamtab /= cats0 => /last_yam Hlast _.
case: tn Hrow Hlast => [//= | l0 tn] /=.
elim: tn l0 => [l0 _ /= -> //= | l1 t' IHt] /= l0 /andP [] Hl0l1 Hpath Hlast.
elim: tn l0 => [l0 _ /= -> //= | l1 t' IHt] /= l0 /andP [Hl0l1 Hpath] Hlast.
have {IHt Hpath Hlast} [] := IHt l1 Hpath Hlast => Hl1 <-.
by move: Hl0l1; rewrite Hl1 leqXnatE leqn0 => /eqP ->.
rewrite {1}yamtab_rcons -2!cats1 -catA /=.
move => /is_tableau_catr /= /and4P [].
case: sn => [//= | sn] /= _ _ Hdom /and3P [] Hrow Hn2 _.
case: sn => [//= | sn] /= _ _ Hdom /and3P [Hrow Hn2 _].
rewrite to_word_yamtab size_rcons.
case/lastP: tn Hrow Hn2 Hdom => [//=| tn ln] /= _ Hrow Hdom.
rewrite -{1}cats1 -catA cat1s => /is_yam_catr /= /andP [] Hpart _ /is_part_rconsK Hp0.
rewrite -{1}cats1 -catA cat1s.
move=> /is_yam_catr /= /andP [Hpart _] /is_part_rconsK Hp0.
move: Hpart; rewrite (evalseq_hyper_yam Hp0) => Hp1.
have Hln : ln <= (size sh).+1.
elim: sh ln Hp0 Hp1 {Hdom Hrow} => [| s0 sh IHsh] /= ln.
case: ln => [//= | ln] _ /= /andP [] _ /part_head_non0.
case: ln => [//= | ln] _ /= /andP [_ /part_head_non0].
by case: ln.
case: ln => [//= | ln].
rewrite ltnS /= => /andP [] _ H1 /andP [] _ H2.
rewrite ltnS /= => /andP [_ H1] /andP [_ H2].
exact: IHsh.
case: tn Hrow Hdom {Hp0 Hp1} => [_ /= | l0 tn].
move=> /dominateP [] _ Hdom; congr [:: _].
move=> /dominateP [_ Hdom]; congr [:: _].
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hln /=.
have {Hdom} /= := Hdom 0 (ltn0Sn _).
by rewrite ltnXnatE.
rewrite rcons_cons => Hrow /dominateP [] _ Hdom.
rewrite rcons_cons => Hrow /dominateP [_ Hdom].
have {Hdom} /= := Hdom 0 (ltn0Sn _).
rewrite ltnXnatE => Hl0.
elim: tn l0 Hl0 Hrow => [/= | l1 tn /= IHtn] l0 Hl0; rewrite leqXnatE => /andP [].
Expand All @@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ move=> Hl0l1 Hpath.
have Hrec := (IHtn l1 (leq_trans Hl0 Hl0l1) Hpath).
rewrite -Hrec; congr (_ :: _).
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hl0 andbT.
by move: Hrec => [] <- _.
by move: Hrec => [<- _].

Corollary RS_yam_RS y : is_yam y -> RS y = yamtab (shape (RS y)).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ move=> Hyam; split.
- move=> HPl; split; first exact (is_yam_plactic Hyam HPl).
rewrite -(shape_RS_yam Hyam) -(shape_RS_yam (is_yam_plactic Hyam HPl)).
exact: plactic_shapeRS.
- move=> [] Hyamz Hsh.
- move=> [Hyamz Hsh].
apply Sch_plact.
by rewrite (RS_yam Hyam) (RS_yam Hyamz) Hsh.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ Theorem plact_from_yam sh w :
{ y | is_yam_of_eval sh y & std y = w }.
move=> Hsh.
have := (plactic_RS w (std (hyper_yam sh))) => [] [] H _.
have := (plactic_RS w (std (hyper_yam sh))) => [] [H _].
move=> /H => /eqP HRS.
pose Sh := IntPart Hsh.
have Hyam : is_yam_of_eval Sh (RSmap w).2.
Expand All @@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ exists y.
by rewrite -RSmapE; case RSmap.
rewrite RSE [RSmap w]RSE HRS.
congr (RSmapinv2 (_, _)).
+ have := stdtab_of_yamP (hyper_yamP Hsh); rewrite /is_stdtab => /andP [] Htab _.
+ have := stdtab_of_yamP (hyper_yamP Hsh); rewrite /is_stdtab => /andP [Htab _].
apply/eqP; rewrite -plactic_RS.
apply std_plact.
rewrite (yam_plactic_shape _ (yamevalP _)); split; first exact: hyper_yamP.
Expand Down

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