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Done the proofs of Pieri_(elementary|complete)
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hivert committed Sep 13, 2015
1 parent 75e83ab commit 14a8b96
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Showing 4 changed files with 190 additions and 15 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions LRrule/Schur.v
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Expand Up @@ -288,6 +288,12 @@ Qed.
Definition colpartn d : intpartn d := IntPartN (colpartnP d).
Definition elementary d : {mpoly R[n]} := Schur (colpartn d).

Lemma conj_rowpartn d : conj_intpartn (rowpartn d) = colpartn d.
Proof. apply val_inj => /=; rewrite /rowpart /colpart; by case: d. Qed.
Lemma conj_colpartn d : conj_intpartn (colpartn d) = rowpartn d.
Proof. rewrite -[RHS]conj_intpartnK; by rewrite conj_rowpartn. Qed.

(* Noncommutative lifting of Schur *)
Lemma Schur_freeSchurE d (Q : stdtabn d) :
Schur (shape_deg Q) = polyset R (freeSchur Q).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -702,6 +708,7 @@ End Coeffs.

End FinSets.

Section Conj.

Variables d1 d2 : nat.
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21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions LRrule/partition.v
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Expand Up @@ -760,6 +760,16 @@ Section SkewShape.
move: Heq => /eqP; by rewrite H0 eqn_add2l => /eqP/(Hrec Hincl) ->.

Lemma included_conj_part inner outer :
is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
included inner outer -> included (conj_part inner) (conj_part outer).
move=> Hinn Hout /includedP [] Hsz Hincl.
apply/includedP; split; first by rewrite !size_conj_part // -!nth0; exact: Hincl.
move=> i.
rewrite -conj_leqE //; apply (leq_trans (Hincl _)); by rewrite conj_leqE.

Fixpoint diff_shape inner outer :=
if inner is inn0 :: inn then
if outer is out0 :: out then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -877,16 +887,18 @@ Canonical intpart_countType := Eval hnf in CountType intpart intpart_countMixin.
Lemma intpartP (p : intpart) : is_part p.
Proof. by case: p. Qed.

Hint Resolve intpartP.

Canonical conj_intpart p := IntPart (is_part_conj (intpartP p)).

Lemma conj_intpartK : involutive conj_intpart.
Proof. move=> p; apply: val_inj => /=; by rewrite conj_partK; last by apply: intpartP. Qed.
Proof. move=> p; apply: val_inj => /=; by rewrite conj_partK. Qed.

Lemma intpart_sum_inj (s t : intpart) :
(forall k, part_sum s k = part_sum t k) -> s = t.
move=> H; apply: val_inj => /=.
apply: part_sum_inj; last exact H; by apply: intpartP.
by apply: part_sum_inj; last exact H.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1042,7 +1054,7 @@ Canonical intpartn_subFinType := Eval hnf in [subFinType of intpartn].

Lemma intpartnP (p : intpartn) : is_part p.
Proof. by case: p => /= p /andP []. Qed.

Hint Resolve intpartnP.
Definition intpart_of_intpartn (p : intpartn) := IntPart (intpartnP p).
Coercion intpart_of_intpartn : intpartn >-> intpart.

Expand All @@ -1059,6 +1071,9 @@ Proof.
Canonical conj_intpartn (sh : intpartn) := IntPartN (conj_intpartnP sh).

Lemma conj_intpartnK : involutive conj_intpartn.
Proof. move=> p; apply: val_inj => /=; by rewrite conj_partK. Qed.

End PartOfn.

Fixpoint intpartnsk_nb sm sz mx : nat :=
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123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions LRrule/skewtab.v
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Expand Up @@ -322,13 +322,136 @@ Section Dominate.
else if outer is out0 :: out then out == [::]
else true.

Fixpoint vb_strip inner outer :=
if outer is out0 :: out then
if inner is inn0 :: inn then
(inn0 <= out0 <= inn0.+1) && (vb_strip inn out)
else (out0 == 1) && (vb_strip [::] out)
else inner == [::].

Lemma hb_strip_included inner outer :
hb_strip inner outer -> included inner outer.
elim: inner outer => [| inn0 inn IHinn] [| out0 out] //=.
by move=> /andP [] /andP [] _ -> /IHinn ->.

Lemma vb_strip_included inner outer :
vb_strip inner outer -> included inner outer.
elim: inner outer => [| inn0 inn IHinn] [| out0 out] //=.
by move=> /andP [] /andP [] -> _ /IHinn ->.

Lemma hb_stripP inner outer :
is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
(forall i, nth 0 outer i.+1 <= nth 0 inner i <= nth 0 outer i)
(hb_strip inner outer).
move=> Hinn Hout; apply (iffP idP).
- elim: inner outer {Hinn Hout} => [| inn0 inn IHinn] /= [| out0 out] //=.
move=> /eqP -> i; by rewrite leqnn /= nth_default.
move=> /andP [] H0 /IHinn{IHinn}Hrec [//= | i]; exact: Hrec.
- elim: inner Hinn outer Hout => [| inn0 inn IHinn] Hinn /= [| out0 out] Hout //= H.
+ have:= H 0 => /andP []; rewrite nth_nil leqn0 => /eqP {H} H _.
have:= part_head_non0 (is_part_tl Hout).
rewrite -nth0; by case: out H {Hout} => [//=| out1 out'] /= ->.
+ have:= part_head_non0 Hinn; have:= H 0.
by rewrite /= leqn0 => ->.
+ have := H 0; rewrite nth0 /= => -> /=.
apply (IHinn (is_part_tl Hinn) _ (is_part_tl Hout)) => i.
exact: H i.+1.

Lemma vb_stripP inner outer :
is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
(forall i, nth 0 inner i <= nth 0 outer i <= (nth 0 inner i).+1)
(vb_strip inner outer).
move=> Hinn Hout; apply (iffP idP) => [Hstrip|].
- elim: outer inner Hstrip Hout Hinn =>
[//= | out0 out IHout] [| inn0 inn] /=.
+ move=> _ _ _ i; by rewrite nth_default.
+ by move => /eqP.
+ move=> /andP [] /eqP -> {out0 IHout} H _ _ [|i] //=.
elim: out H i => [//= | out1 out IHout] /=.
move=> _ i; by rewrite nth_default.
move=> /andP [] /eqP -> /IHout{IHout} Hrec; by case.
+ by move=> /andP [] H0 /IHout{IHout}Hrec
/andP [] Hout /Hrec{Hrec}Hrec
/andP [] Hinn /Hrec{Hrec}Hrec [|i] //=.
- elim: outer inner Hout Hinn => [//= | out0 out IHout].
+ case => [//= | inn0 inn] _ /= /andP [] Habs Hinn H; exfalso.
have {H} := H 0 => /= /andP []; rewrite leqn0 => /eqP Hinn0 _.
subst inn0; move: Habs Hinn; by rewrite leqn0 => /part_head0F ->.
+ move=> inner Hpart; have:= part_head_non0 Hpart => /=.
rewrite -lt0n eqn_leq => H0out.
case: inner => [_ | inn0 inn]/=.
move=> {IHout} H; rewrite H0out.
have:= H 0 => /= -> /=.
have {H} /= Hout i := H i.+1.
move: Hpart => /= /andP [] _.
elim: out Hout => [//= | out1 out IHout] H Hpart.
have:= part_head_non0 Hpart => /=.
rewrite -lt0n eqn_leq => ->.
have:= H 0 => /= -> /=.
apply: IHout; last exact: (is_part_tl Hpart).
move=> i; exact: H i.+1.
+ move: Hpart => /andP [] H0 /IHout{IHout}Hrec
/andP [] _ /Hrec{Hrec}Hrec H.
have := H 0 => /= -> /=.
apply Hrec => i.
exact: H i.+1.

Lemma vb_strip_conj inner outer :
is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
vb_strip inner outer -> hb_strip (conj_part inner) (conj_part outer).
move=> Hinn Hout; have Hcinn := is_part_conj Hinn; have Hcout := is_part_conj Hout.
move => /(vb_stripP Hinn Hout) H.
apply/(hb_stripP Hcinn Hcout) => i; rewrite -!conj_leqE //; apply/andP; split.
+ have {H} := H (nth 0 (conj_part inner) i) => /andP [] _ /leq_trans; apply.
by rewrite ltnS conj_leqE.
+ have {H} := H (nth 0 (conj_part outer) i) => /andP [] /leq_trans H _; apply H.
by rewrite conj_leqE.

Lemma hb_strip_conj inner outer :
is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
hb_strip inner outer -> vb_strip (conj_part inner) (conj_part outer).
move=> Hinn Hout; have Hcinn := is_part_conj Hinn; have Hcout := is_part_conj Hout.
move => /(hb_stripP Hinn Hout) H.
apply/(vb_stripP Hcinn Hcout) => i; rewrite -!conj_leqE //; apply/andP; split.
+ have {H} := H (nth 0 (conj_part outer) i) => /andP [] _ /leq_trans; apply.
by rewrite conj_leqE.
+ have {H} := H (nth 0 (conj_part inner) i) => /andP [] /leq_trans H _; apply H.
by rewrite conj_leqE.

Lemma hb_strip_conjE inner outer :
is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
hb_strip (conj_part inner) (conj_part outer) = vb_strip inner outer.
move=> Hinn Hout; apply (sameP idP); apply (iffP idP).
- exact: vb_strip_conj.
- rewrite -{2}(conj_partK Hinn) -{2}(conj_partK Hout).
exact: hb_strip_conj (is_part_conj Hinn) (is_part_conj Hout).

Lemma vb_strip_conjE inner outer :
is_part inner -> is_part outer ->
vb_strip (conj_part inner) (conj_part outer) = hb_strip inner outer.
move=> Hinn Hout; apply (sameP idP); apply (iffP idP).
- exact: hb_strip_conj.
- rewrite -{2}(conj_partK Hinn) -{2}(conj_partK Hout).
exact: vb_strip_conj (is_part_conj Hinn) (is_part_conj Hout).

Lemma row_dominate u v :
is_row (u ++ v) -> dominate u v -> u = [::].
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54 changes: 42 additions & 12 deletions LRrule/therule.v
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Expand Up @@ -602,21 +602,13 @@ Proof.
* exfalso; by case: (evalseq y) y0 Heval => [| a [| l0 l]] [|y0].

Theorem Pieri_row (P1 : intpartn d1) :
Schur P1 * complete d2 = \sum_(P : intpartn (d1 + d2) | hb_strip P1 P) Schur P.
Theorem LRyam_coeff_Pieri_row (P1 : intpartn d1) (P : intpartn (d1 + d2)) :
included P1 P -> LRyam_coeff P1 (rowpartn d2) P = hb_strip P1 P.
rewrite /Schur.complete LRtab_coeffP.
rewrite [LHS]big_mkcond [RHS]big_mkcond /=.
apply eq_bigr => p _.
case: (boolP (included P1 p)) => Hincl; first last.
suff /negbTE -> : ~~ hb_strip P1 p by [].
move: Hincl; apply contra; exact: hb_strip_included.
suff -> : LRyam_coeff P1 (rowpartn d2) p = hb_strip P1 p.
case: (hb_strip P1 p); by rewrite /= ?mulr1n ?mulr0n.
rewrite /LRyam_coeff /LRyam_set.
rewrite /LRyam_coeff /LRyam_set => Hincl.
rewrite /is_skew_reshape_tableau.
set LRset := (X in #|pred_of_set X|).
case: (boolP (hb_strip P1 p)) => Hstrip /=.
case: (boolP (hb_strip P1 P)) => Hstrip /=.
- suff -> : LRset = [set yamrow] by rewrite cards1.
rewrite -setP => y; rewrite !inE {LRset}.
case: y => y Hy /=.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -644,6 +636,44 @@ Proof.
by rewrite Hincl Hskew.

Theorem Pieri_row (P1 : intpartn d1) :
Schur P1 * complete d2 = \sum_(P : intpartn (d1 + d2) | hb_strip P1 P) Schur P.
rewrite /Schur.complete LRtab_coeffP.
rewrite [LHS]big_mkcond [RHS]big_mkcond /=.
apply eq_bigr => p _.
case: (boolP (included P1 p)) => Hincl; first last.
suff /negbTE -> : ~~ hb_strip P1 p by [].
move: Hincl; apply contra; exact: hb_strip_included.
rewrite (LRyam_coeff_Pieri_row Hincl).
case: (hb_strip P1 p); by rewrite /= ?mulr1n ?mulr0n.

Theorem LRyam_coeff_Pieri_col (P1 : intpartn d1) (P : intpartn (d1 + d2)) :
included P1 P -> LRyam_coeff P1 (colpartn d2) P = vb_strip P1 P.
move=> Hincl.
have Hinclc : included (conj_intpartn P1) (conj_intpartn P).
exact: included_conj_part.
rewrite -conj_rowpartn -{1}(conj_intpartnK P1) -{1}(conj_intpartnK P).
rewrite -LR_coeff_yamP; last by rewrite !conj_intpartnK.
rewrite -LRtab_coeff_conj (LR_coeff_yamP _ Hinclc) (LRyam_coeff_Pieri_row Hinclc).
by rewrite /= hb_strip_conjE.

Theorem Pieri_col (P1 : intpartn d1) :
Schur P1 * elementary d2 = \sum_(P : intpartn (d1 + d2) | vb_strip P1 P) Schur P.
rewrite /Schur.elementary LRtab_coeffP.
rewrite [LHS]big_mkcond [RHS]big_mkcond /=.
apply eq_bigr => p _.
case: (boolP (included P1 p)) => Hincl; first last.
suff /negbTE -> : ~~ vb_strip P1 p by [].
move: Hincl; apply contra; exact: vb_strip_included.
rewrite (LRyam_coeff_Pieri_col Hincl).
case: (vb_strip P1 p); by rewrite /= ?mulr1n ?mulr0n.

End Pieri.

End LR.
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