Programming assignment for week 4 of 'Getting and cleaning data' module on Coursera Data Science Specialization
The raw data is found here:
The full description of the study is found here:
The name given to the .zip file linked to above was chosen to be "", and when extracted, the contents are placed in within a newly-created directory named /FUCI_dataset. This is the only user-defined part of the file paths in the commands that follow.
For each record in the dataset it is provided:
- Triaxial acceleration from the accelerometer (total acceleration) and the estimated body acceleration.
- Triaxial Angular velocity from the gyroscope.
- A 561-feature vector with time and frequency domain variables.
- Its activity label.
- An identifier of the subject who carried out the experiment.
Execute the following commands before using the run_analysis function:
setwd( <the directory where the '.../FUCI_dataset' directory mentioned above lives> )
train_dataset <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt")
test_dataset <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt")
features <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt")
activity_labels <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt")
y_train <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt")
y_test <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt")
subject_train <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/train/subject_train.txt")
subject_test <- read.table("./FUCI_dataset/UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt")
FUNCTION CALL: 'run_analysis()'
One may then execute the following commands:
run_analysis(train_dataset = train_dataset, test_dataset = test_dataset, features = features, y_train = y_train, y_test = y_test, activity_labels = activity_labels, subject_train = subject_train, subject_test = subject_test)
You should create one R script called run_analysis.R that does the following:
- Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
- Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set.
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names.
- From the data set in step 4, creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
The script contains comments describing what is happening at each step, but to summarize:
The data is split into two groups of study volunteers - the 'test' group and the 'train' group.
The function 'run_analysis()' takes as arguments the two large raw data sets, which are referred to above (and in the script) as 'train_dataset' and 'test_dataset' (the specific file paths are shown above).
Neither one of these data sets have descriptive column names; they are V1, V2, ..., V561. The columns for these data sets have descriptive names applied to them, which are found in the 'features.txt' file, whose contents is stored under the 'features' argument (mentioned above) passed to the 'run_analysis()' function. [This almost entirely fulfils part 4 of the assignment instructions stated above, although some minor additions to completely fulfil this requirement are made later.]
These two data sets are then combined together, with the rows for the 'train' group first, followed by the rows for the 'test' group. [This fulfils part 1 of the assignment instructions stated above.]
This assignment is only interested in measurements of the means and standard deviations of the various quantities recorded in the study. Since the columns/variables now have descriptive names rather than V1, V2 and so on, any columns whose name features the string 'mean()' or 'std()' are extracted and stored in separate data frames (the rest of the columns are discarded). [This fulfils part 2 of the assignment instructions stated above.]
Each volunteer/subject is given an ID number; since there are 30 subjects, this ranges from 1, 2, ..., 30. There were 21 subjects in the 'train' group and 9 in the 'test' group. The corresponding subject ID numbers for each are stored in the 'subject_train' and 'subject_test' arguments mentioned above. The script combines these into a single column, with all the subject ID numbers for the 'train' group appearing first, followed by those for the 'test' group.
Data was recorded whilst the subjects participated in six activities (walking, walking up stairs, walking down stairs, sitting, standing and laying). Each row of the raw data corresponds to measurements recorded whilst the subject does one of these activities, but the main data sets ('train_dataset' and 'test_dataset') do not contain a column indicating which activity is being performed for a given row.
However, the file 'activity_labels.txt' associates an integer between 1 and 6 with each of the 6 activities (in the order they appeared earlier in this paragraph). A new column whose values are integers between 1 and 6 is created by combining the contents of 'y_train' and 'y_test' (mentioned above). These numbers are then converted to the corresponding character strings (walking, sitting etc.). [This fulfils part 3 of the assignment instructions stated above.]
A new data frame is then created (named in the script as 'df_combined'), for which the values in the first column are the subject ID numbers, and the second column is the named activities discussed in the previous paragraph, and the columns that follow are those that contain 'mean()' or 'std()' measurements. The first two columns of this data frame are then given appropriate descriptive names.
The data frame for the final output is then instantiated (named in the script as 'df_final'). A for-loop is then opened, which loops over subject ID numbers 1 to 30. In each new cycle through this loop, a new copy of 'df_combined' (mentioned in the previous paragraph) is instantiated (an error occurs if 'df_combined' only appears before the for-loop). The rows of this data frame for which the subject ID number matches the for-loop index (1-30) are extracted and the rest discared.
A nested for-loop appears, this time to loop over each of the 6 activities. For each activity, a subset of the data frame created in the previous paragraph is isolated, and the mean value is calculated for each column (except the subject ID number and the activity columns) via another nested for-looped. Each column mean is added to a vector named 'variable_means_row'. At the end of each pass through the loop, a new row containing subject ID, activity and the contents of 'variable_means_row' is created, and added onto the 'df_final' output data frame. [This fulfils part 5 of the assignment instructions stated above.]
The result is the final data frame containing the expected 180 rows; 30 volunteers * 6 activities. The first two columns contain the variables 'Subject ID' numbers and 'Activity', then the rest of the columns contain the means of the various requested quantities. The names of these columns are modified slightly with the prefix "Mean of ", just to distinguish them from the original raw data. Finally the output is written out as
"Week_4_output_table.txt". -
This final data frame is tidy. All of the columns correspond only to variables (the activity is treated as a qualitative variable). Also all of the rows contain only observations - which activity was happening, followed by what the accelerometers and gyroscopes recorded. Also multiple types of observational unit are not stored in this table either; there is one row for each subject activity, rather than say, two rows for a given subject ID and activity, one for 'mean()' and one for 'std()'.