Everyone dreams about microservices - why so few succeeds.
Here come some articles, links, and videos that describes how to build modular monolith.
"If you can’t build a well-structured monolith, what makes you think you can build a well-structured set of microservices?"
- Deconstructing the Monolith: Designing Software that Maximizes Developer Productivity
- Modular Monolith Or Microservices
- Software Architecture for Developers - Simon Brown
- Modular Monoliths - Simon Brown
- Monolith First - Martin Fowler
- Stefan Tilkov
- https://jimmybogard.com/vertical-slice-architecture/
- SOLID Architecture in Slices not Layers - Jimmy Bogard
- Command Handler
- Observer Pattern
- Mediator pattern -> Publisher-Subscriber pattern
- Layers (sink-hole anti-pattern)