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Advent of Code 2022

These are my solutions for written in Kotlin.

The goal is readable code that is still pretty quick.

Execution from CLI

There is a gradle task to calculate any day from the CLI, which is just called day. You can provide the day property to change the day you want to calculate. For example:

~: ./gradlew day -Pday=2

> Task :day
Loaded in ?,??? seconds
Day 2:
    Part 1: ???
    Part 2: ???
Calculated in ?,??? seconds

8 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 7 up-to-date

There is also the file_postfix property if you want to execute one of the big files for execution. Normally the src/main/kotlin/dayXX.txt are used as the input for normal execution, but when this property is provided the file src/main/kotlin/dayXX${postfix}.txt will be read instead. This can be useful to test other (or way bigger) files.