Circle N=50 | Random N=50 |
This is the implementation of the Rule-Based Lloyd algorithm (RBL) for multi-robot motion planning and control.
The simulator can run on all major platforms (Windows, Linux, and macOS). All that is required is cloning the repository and installing some necessary dependencies.
git clone
In this repository there is part of the code that was used to generate simulation results in the following paper:
"Rule-Based Lloyd Algorithm for Multi-Robot Motion Planning and Control with Safety and Convergence Guarantees." Manuel Boldrer, Alvaro Serra-Gomez, Lorenzo Lyons, Javier Alonso-Mora, Laura Ferranti.
matplotlib, numpy, scipy
Install Python Packages
pip install numpy matplotlib scipy
Giovanni Franzese, Alvaro Serra Gomez, Lorenzo Lyons, Vit Kratky, Laura Ferranti, Javier Alonso-Mora.