The second issue of A static site built with hugo.
- Clone this repo
- Install the hugo CLI
hugo server
- Every piece gets its own folder in
. - The default piece layout is
The frontmatter of a piece should have all of these fields:
title: Seeding the Wild
subtitle: # Optional
author: Magma Collective # this needs to match an author name in data/people.yaml
description: In which seeds are strewn into small spaces, while blindfolded, and holding three apricots between two butt cheeks.
tableOfContentsImageUrl: ./images/angelica-gifs/mantis_computer.gif # must be 700x350
tableOfContentsImageAlt: A praying mantis dances in front of a laptop. # Alt text. this is weakly optional
titleImageUrl: ./images/title-images/love-ya.png # this is optional
titleImageAlt: # Alt text. this is weakly optional
endingImageUrl: ./images/angelica-gifs/mantis_computer.gif # this is optional
endingImageAlt: # Alt text. this is weakly optional
weight: 1 # This determines the page order. Pages with lower weight will come first.
markdown: # Optional: relative link to the markdown file corresponding to this piece.
license: # Optional: specify the license that appears in the copy markdown section. Default is CC-BY-SA.
customClass: # Optional: a custom class that will be applied to the main container of the piece.
All images belong somewhere in static/images
Footnote content can be included in a piece's frontmatter, or in a separate JSON file (see content/pieces/the-salt-of-the-cosmos
for an example of the latter).
Every footnote is identified by a unique title. (This can be a number if you want, but then if you reorder them you'll have some serious renumbering to do.)
In the content markdown, you add a footnote reference like so:
{{< footnote "Title of footnote goes here" >}}
This is called a hugo "shortcode". It gets replaced by the content in layouts/shortcodes/footnote.html
- Every non-piece page gets its own .md file in
. - Every non-piece page gets its own layout file in
The sequence of pieces in the table of contents is determined by the page weight, using Hugo's .ByWeight
ordering function.
You can update the sequence of pieces by changing the weight
attribute in the front matter of the content pieces. The weight values start at 1.
See data/fundraising-goals.yaml
See data/people.yaml
. The name
fields in here must match the author
fields in the piece frontmatter.