- CentOS 6.5+
- Root access
- PostgreSQL database user
Maestro master server releases:
\bash < <( curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maestrodev/maestro-installer/master/maestro-install )
Maestro agent service, change maestro_master_hostname
to point to the Maestro master. Can be installed in the same host as the master:
\bash -s agent maestro_master_hostname < <( curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maestrodev/maestro-installer/master/maestro-install )
Maestro master server snapshots:
\bash -s snapshots < <( curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maestrodev/maestro-installer/master/maestro-install )
Maestro agent snapshots:
\bash -s agent maestro_master_hostname snapshots < <( curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maestrodev/maestro-installer/master/maestro-install )
- You will need to provide your Maestro Account credentials.
- The \ must be removed from the command line above when pasting into a terminal.
- If any temporary failures occur, the installer can safely be run multiple times to resume progress.
Maestro Head - Minimum Requirements:
- VM or Physical Machine
- 1.7GB+ RAM
- 1 core (2+ recommended)
- 1.5GB DISK (plus working space for projects, output logging, etc.)
- CentOS 6.5
- root access
- base image + updates
- Network access:
- Agent connections (inbound ports: 8080, 61613)
- yum.maestrodev.com (outbound ports: 80, 443)
- repo.maestrodev.com (outbound ports: 80, 443)
- CentOS and EPEL yum repos as needed
Maestro Agent - Linux - Minimum Requirements:
- VM or Physical Machine
- 512GB+ RAM (dependent on target workload to be performed)
- 1GB DISK (dependent on target workload to be performed)
- CentOS 6.5
- Java 1.6
- Network access:
- Maestro Head (outbound ports: 8080, 61613)
The following packages / components are installed if not present during installation.
Install script:
- Expect
- Perl libs
- Maestro Server (bundled w/ LuCEE)
- Maestro Agent
- PostgreSQL Server
- MongoDB Server
- ActiveMQ
- Perl libs
- Getopt::Long::Descriptive
- REST::Client
YUM Repos:
- Maestro YUM Repositories
The basic PostgreSQL settings for Maestro to connect to PostgreSQL are listed below.
listen_addresses = 'localhost' # comment out this line to enable TCP/IP connections
host all all md5 # enable connections to localhost
host all all ::1/128 md5 # enable connections to localhost via IPV6
NOTE: You will be prompted to create a Maestro database user and databases, which match the settings in