Name: Jan B Mwesigwa
Jbmflickr is a jQuery plugin that pulls images hosted on flickr and shows them in a lightbox-style gallery or in a google map. It allows you to:
- search images by a text or tag entered in an input field
- define your tag-cloud to retrieve tagged images
- retrieve geo tagged images and display them in a googlemap
- dynamically search googlemap and retrieve geo tagged images from a specific location
Download the zip file, unzip it and insert the content into a folder (e.g. 'jbmflickr') anywhere on your website.
Link the script 'jbmflickr.js' in the head section of your html file.
Create div elements with class "jbmflickr" or "jbmflickrmap"
In your html, insert a div element with class 'jbmflickr' and attributes.
Attributes serve as plugin options, e.g. jbmflickr-userid="xxxxxx".
See examples and all available options below...
<div class="jbmflickr"
<input type="text" class="jbmflickr-search-field" size="50" placeholder="Enter search text and hit enter"/>
<div class="jbmflickr-tag-cloud">
<span>tags: </span>
<a href="#animal">animal</a>
<a href="#nature">nature</a>
<a href="#celebration">celebration</a>
<a href="#playing">playing</a>
<div class="jbmflickrmap" style="height:400px; width: 100%;"
<input type="text" class="jbmflickrmap-location" placeholder="Enter a location (country, city), e.g. 'Netherlands'" rel="myMap" />
The map zooms to the location entered in the field. If 'rel' attribute is defined, only the map with such 'id' will get zoomed.
The following table shows all attributes that you can use to specify plugin options.
Attribute: jbmflickr-userid
Data type: string
Default value: required
Description: This is the flickr user ID. Attention: this is not the username but an ID. If you don't know what your ID is, check it via
Attribute: jbmflickr-initial_load
Data type: boolean
Default value: "1"
Descriptio: If "1" then plugin loads images upon the page loads. if "0" then plugin will not load anything.
Attribute: jbmflickr-thumbnail_size
Data type: string
Default value: "m"
Description: Defines size of the images. Possible values are based on flickr specifications:
- s small square 75x75
- q large square 150x150
- t thumbnail, 100 on longest side
- m small, 240 on longest side
- n small, 320 on longest side
- medium, 500 on longest side
- z medium 640, 640 on longest side
- ...see
Data type: integer
Default value: "8"
Description: Defines number of images per page.
Data type: integer
Default value: "8"
Description: Defines number of images per row.
Data type: boolean
Default Value: "1"
Description: If "1" then image thumbnails will act as links to large images.
Data type: boolean
Default value: "1"
Description: If "1" then lightbox will be used to enlarge image when a thumbnail is clicked.
Data type: string
Default Value: "default"
Description: Name of the custom theme. You can create your own 'default.css' file and insert it into the folder "libs/lightbox/css/your_theme"
Data type: string
Default Value: required
Description: This is the flickr user ID. Attention: this is not the username but an ID. If you don't know what your ID is, check it via
Data type: integer
Default Value: "5"
Description: Initial zoom. Values between 0 - 15.
Data type: integer
Default Value: "200"
Description: Max. number of retrieved images.
Do NOT rename the 'jbmflickr.js' file, or change its location within its parent directory. This would break proper determination of the base path necessary for the inclusion of other scripts.
##CREDITS The jbmflickr plugin wouldn't be possible without:
lightbox2 made by Lokesh Dhakar...
jcycle2 made by Mike Alsup...
geoxml3 by Sterling Udell, Larry Ross...
Marker Clusterer by Luke Mahe...