Rick and Morty 100 years! Rick and Morty 20 Seasons!
This is a React application built with React, React Router v6, TailwindCSS, Vite, Vitest and the Rick and Morty API
- Simple responsive design implemented with TailwindCSS
- Supports Light/Dark mode (auto detected from Operating System Theme)
- Awesome hover animations
- Paginated listings of Characters, Locations and Episodes
- Extensive detail pages for Characters, Locations and Episodes
- Loading indicator integrated in the pagination component
- Custom Error page
- Complementary Lawyer Morty animation on hover
I have annotated the project structure below
├── index.html # Main entrypoint for Vite build
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── src
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── Banner.tsx # Banner component with title header and awesome space background SVG that's less than 1KB
│ │ ├── CharacterCard.tsx # Character card based on MiniCard
│ │ ├── DetailsLayout.tsx # Base layout page for Character Details, Location Details and Episode Details
│ │ ├── EpisodeCard.tsx # Episode card based on MiniCard
│ │ ├── LoadingSpinner.tsx # Loading spinner component, appears in the pagination component
│ │ ├── LocationCard.tsx # Location card based on MiniCard
│ │ ├── MiniCard.tsx # Base card component for CharacterCard, EpisodeCard and LocationCard
│ │ ├── Pagination.tsx # Pagination component for Characters, Locations and Episodes
│ │ └── TabBar.tsx # Man navigation tab bar
│ ├── index.css # Global CSS file, includes TailwindCSS and custom styles
│ ├── loaders.ts # Custom loaders for Characters, Locations and Episodes and some API helpers
│ ├── main.tsx # Main entrypoint for React, Routes are configured here
│ ├── mocks # Mock data for Characters, Locations and Episodes, copied from the Rick and Morty API JS Client Object
│ │ ├── characterDetail.mock.tsx
│ │ ├── characters.mock.tsx
│ │ ├── episodeDetail.mock.tsx
│ │ ├── episodes.mock.tsx
│ │ ├── locationDetail.mock.tsx
│ │ └── locations.mock.tsx
│ ├── routes
│ │ ├── CharacterDetails.tsx # Route for Character Details /characters/:id
│ │ ├── Characters.tsx # Route for Characters /characters and /
│ │ ├── EpisodeDetails.tsx # Route for Episode Details /episodes/:id
│ │ ├── Episodes.tsx # Route for Episodes /episodes
│ │ ├── ErrorPage.tsx # Route for Error Page. It catches all exceptions
│ │ ├── LocationDetails.tsx # Route for Location Details /locations/:id
│ │ ├── Locations.tsx # Route for Locations /locations
│ │ ├── Root.css # Global CSS for the root component
│ │ └── Root.tsx # Root component for the application, the other components are nested as Root children
To clone the application run:
To run the development server, use:
npm install
npm run dev
Then, to run the tests, use:
npm run test
npx vitest --coverage # Measure test coverage
To create a local build run:
npm run build
cd dist && ln -s . rick-and-morty-explorer # Symlink rick-and-morty-explorer, because that's configured as a base dir in vite.config.ts due to github pages structure
- Rick and Morty is a copyright and trademark of The Cartoon Network, Inc, Adult Swim, Justin Roiland, Dan Harmon and others.
- This is a fan project for educational purpose and is in no way affiliated to them.
- The data and images are used without claim of ownership and belong to their respective owners.
- The title font is made and generously provided by John Izaak
- The deep space background svg image is adapted from work by Bence Szabo
- This project includes posters for seasons from TVMaze
- This project uses the Rick and Morty API