Run Bloblang mappings in AWS Lambda.
Bloblang (or blobl for short!) is a language designed specifically for performing data mapping operations. It is primarily distributed as a built-in processor for the data streaming service Benthos, but can also be used as a standalone tool.
If you are just getting started with Bloblang, the walkthrough is a good place to begin!
Bloblang is a powerful and fast way to transform data. When deployed to a Lambda function, you can run Bloblang anywhere you can run Lambda, including EventBridge pipes, Step Functions workflows, Kinesis streams, and more! This gives you a declarative data transformation language to use wherever you need to map data from one schema to another schema as it moves through your serverless application.
You will need to install the Benthos Docker image if you want to develop or test your Bloblang mapping locally:
docker pull jeffail/benthos:latest
The config.yaml
file contains an example Bloblang mapping function that can be deployed to AWS Lambda. You can edit this file to create your own Bloblang mapping.
You can also run the Bloblang editor locally to test your mapping:
docker run -p 4195:4195 --rm jeffail/benthos blobl server --no-open --host
You can test your Bloblang mapping using the Benthos Docker image:
docker run -v ./test/config.yaml:/benthos.yaml -v ./test/fixtures/input.json:/input.json jeffail/benthos
Deploy your Bloblang mapping function to AWS Lambda using the AWS CLI:
LAMBDA_ENV=`cat config.yaml | jq -csR {Variables:{BENTHOS_CONFIG:.}}`
aws lambda create-function \
--architectures arm64 \
--environment "$LAMBDA_ENV" \
--function-name bloblang-mapping \
--handler not.used.for.provided.al2.runtime \
--runtime provided.al2 \
--zip-file fileb://benthos/
If you don't have an IAM role for your function already, you can create one using the AWS CLI:
aws iam create-role \
--role-name lambda-bloblang-mapping \
--assume-role-policy-document file://iam/lambda-trust-policy.json
# copy the ARN from the response and replace YOUR_IAM_ROLE_ARN above
Coming soon:
CDK construct
Invoke your Bloblang mapping function using the AWS CLI:
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name bloblang-mapping \
--payload file://test/fixtures/input.json \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \