This repo holds all labs completed for my Robotic Sensing and Navigation course (Spring 2022).
Error analyzation of both stationary and transient GPS data.
Report: LAB1_GPS_Driver&Analyzation/src/Lab1_Report.pdf
Main Folders + Files | Description |
src/Gps_driver/ |
Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files |
src/Gps_driver/msg/GPS_msg.msg |
ROS .msg file used to publish the recorded data |
src/Gps_driver/scripts/ |
Main ROS publisher script used to publish data to the ROS node |
src/analysis_scripts/ |
Holds the scripts used to analyze the recorded data |
src/analysis_scripts/ |
Script used to analyze the transient GPS data |
src/analysis_scripts/ |
Script used to analyze the stationary GPS data |
src/data/ ] |
Holds the raw data files in .bag and .txt files |
Error analyzation of both stationary and transient RTK-GPS data.
Report: LAB2_RTK-GPS_Driver&Analyzation/Lab2_Report.pdf
Main Folders + Files | Description |
src/Lab2_package/ |
Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files |
src/Lab2_package/msg/Lab2_msg.msg |
ROS .msg file used to publish the recorded data |
src/Lab2_package/scripts/ |
Main ROS publisher script used to publish data to the ROS node |
src/Lab2_package/analysis/ |
Holds the scripts used to analyze the recorded data |
src/Lab2_package/analysis/ |
Script used to analyze the transient GPS data |
src/Lab2_package/analysis/ |
Script used to analyze the stationary GPS data |
data/ |
Holds the raw data files in .bag and .txt files |
Error analyzation of stationary IMU data, including allan variance analysis.
Report: LAB3_IMU_Stationary/Lab3_Report.pdf
Main Folders + Files | Description |
src/lab3_package/ |
Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files |
src/lab3_package/msg/IMU_msg.msg |
ROS .msg file used to publish the recorded data |
src/lab3_package/scripts/ |
Main ROS publisher script used to publish data to the ROS node |
src/analysis/ |
Holds the scripts used to analyze the recorded data |
src/analysis/ |
Script used to analyze the group collected stationary IMU data |
src/analysis/ |
Script used to analyze the individually collected transient IMU data |
src/analysis/allan_variance.m |
MATLAB script used to plot the allan variance plots of the stationary IMU data |
data/ |
Holds the raw data files in .bag and .csv files |
Using IMU magnetometer, accelerometer, and angular data to plot the trajectory of a car ride. Implemented soft iron heading correction, yaw calculations from magnetometer data, velocity calculations from integrated accelerometer data, trajectory estimations via dead reckoning, and a calculation of the IMU placement with respect to the vehicle frame.
Report: LAB4_IMU+GPS_Localization/Lab4_Report.pdf
Main Folders + Files | Description |
src/lab4_package/ |
Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files |
src/lab4_package/msg/IMU_msg.msg |
ROS .msg file used to publish the incoming IMU data |
src/lab4_package/msg/GPS_msg.msg |
ROS .msg file used to publish the incoming GPS data |
src/lab4_package/scripts/ |
ROS publisher script used to publish IMU data to the ROS node |
src/lab4_package/scripts/ |
ROS publisher script used to publish GPS data to the ROS node |
src/analysis/ |
Holds the script used to analyze the recorded data |
src/analysis/ |
Script used to perform all analyzations |
src/data/ |
Holds the raw data files in .bag and .csv files |
Image stitching of murals across campus via Harris corner detectors and feature matching.
Report: Lab5_Image_Stitching/Lab5_Report.pdf
Code: Lab5_Image_Stitching/EECE5554_Lab5.m
Mini project done on a meal delivery AMR, including feature, power, navigation and sensing analyses.
Report: Mini_Project/EECE5554_LukeDavidson_IndividualProject.pdf