Helper for enable Speech Recognition in HTML Inputs using Web Speech API
Once the attribute x-webkit-speech is deprecated there is no easy way to enable speech recognition in input fields.
The attribute used not only SpeechRecognition but also Web Audio API in order to provide a feedback for the audio input
Sput will enable a very similar behavior like the old x-webkit-speech attribute.
Load sput.js and sput.css in your HTML then call the prepare method:
With no params it will detect all input fields with the deprecated x-webkit-speech attribute and transform them in Sput fieds. You can also specify one or more:
Sput is built with only native javascript, no library is required. However it depends on some new (or in progress) standards. The web speech api is very new so I believe there are no problems in also use the other new ones.
- Web Speech API ( It does the speech recognition work.
- getUserMedia API ( Captures mic input and redirect to Web Audio API
- Web Audio API ( Captures audio to detect user speech and provides feedback
- CSS Transform 2D ( Scale transformation to animate the speech input circle
- querySelectorAll ( get elements in the document using CSS selectors
- element.ClassList ( Adds/removes classes to elements attributes easily