Hi there👋!
This is a guide to think and prepare an individual development plan, based on a few experiences I had in the past years
Good preparation increases the
of success and decreases therisk
of things going wrong along the way
This guideline is totally based on you and is composed by four continuous steps
In this step you should start thinking about your current moment, like answering a few questions:
What are the levels(junior, middle, senior) in my context? (for your manager, tribe and company)
You can read this awesome article about engineering career ladders on swyx.io
Where am i?
What is my actual level? Junior, Senior, Principal? It depends on your company or the current job position you are looking for
What is my actual impact sphere? (product, team, tribe, chapter, company, market ...)
Understand where you can make the real difference, become noted not only by shining but helping others to do their best it's an awesome way to stand out and develop your peers
What are my weakness and strengths?
Seek out for feedbacks from your peers and managers, also don't limit yourself to a unique perspective of your performance reach out for other managers, coaches and what makes sense at your current moment
Based on your current moment, you should start thinking about your next goals
Relax this is not an easy thing to do, take a walk, watch some movies, be relaxed to understand what really warms your heart and remember: there is no perfect path, the best path is the one that suits bests for you on your current moment
Understand your future goal, or your closest goal to achieve (Ex: become a Sr. Engineer)
A common way to think about this is planning 2, 3, and 5 years in the future where you want to be?
Understand the persona of your closest goal
- Responsibilities
- How this person think
- Describe every aspect of this person based on a day a day evaluation
Based on your closest goal to achieve:
Think on the results and impacts you want to achieve
Instead of what to do, think on what would be notable to represent that you are getting next to your goal or achieving it
Break it into small deliverables with deadlines
Based on every result and impact you want to achieve
- "Brainstorm" your actions, write everything that could come to your mind about future stuffs you could do.
- Understand what you can, could, and don't know how to do
Go straight forward looking for answers to understand what you don't know how to do or where to start from. Refining
After you have finished your first brainstorm following those 4 steps above, you must refine it, thinking what do make sense based on your current context and most close goal following the fluxogram below
Please feel free to contribute with your own template ❤️
Reach me out on:
- - Add more examples on each step
- - Create and fill an example template using this guideline