The goal of DSpot is to automatically improve existing JUnit test suites. It automatically generates new JUnit tests by modifying existing existing test cases.
- Input: DSpot take as input a Java project with an existing test suite..
- Output: DSpot produces a new test suite, containing both the existing tests and the new generated ones.
How does it work? DSpot applies transformation operators on existing tests in order to create new observation points on the state of the system. Those observation points are used to generate new assertion statements. The generated tests are then selected and ordered according to a specific criterion, such as the branch coverage or mutation score.
- Clone the project:
git clone
cd dspot
- Compile DSpot
mvn compile
- DSpot use the environnment variable MAVEN_HOME, ensure that this variable points to your maven installation. Example:
export MAVEN_HOME=path/to/maven/
- Run the tests
mvn test
- Create the jar (eg
mvn package
# check that this is successful
ls target/dspot-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar
java -cp target/dspot-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.stamp.Main -p path/To/
Usage: java -jar target/dspot-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
[(-p|--path) <path>] [(-a|--amplifiers) Amplifier1:Amplifier2:...:AmplifierN ] [(-i|--iteration) <iteration>] [(-s|--selector) <BranchCoverageTestSelector | PitMutantScoreSelector>] [(-t|--test) test1:test2:...:testN ] [(-o|--output) <output>] [(-m|--mutant) <mutant>] [-e|--example] [-h|--help]
[(-p|--path-to-properties) <./path/to/>]
[mandatory] specify the path to the configuration file (format Java
properties) of the target project (e.g. ./
[(-a|--amplifiers) Amplifier1:Amplifier2:...:AmplifierN ]
[optional] specify the list of amplifiers to use. Default with all
available amplifiers. Possible values:
[(-i|--iteration) <iteration>]
[optional] specify the number of amplification iteration. A larger
number may help to improve the test criterion (eg a larger number of
iterations mah help to kill more mutants). This has an impact on the
execution time: the more iterations, the longer DSpot runs. (default: 3)
[(-s|--test-criterion) <PitMutantScoreSelector | BranchCoverageTestSelector>]
[optional] specify the test adequacy criterion to be maximized with
amplification (default: PitMutantScoreSelector)
[(-t|--test) my.package.MyClassTest1:my.package.MyClassTest2:...:my.package.MyClassTestN ]
[optional] fully qualified names of test classes to be amplified. If the
value is all, DSpot will amplify the whole test suite. You can also use
regex to describe a set of test classes. (default: all)
[(-o|--output-path) <output>]
[optional] specify the output folder (default: dspot-report)
[(-m|--path-pit-result) <./path/to/mutations.csv>]
[optional, expert mode] specify the path to the .csv of the original
result of Pit Test. If you use this option the selector will be forced
to PitMutantScoreSelector
[(-r|--randomSeed) <long integer>]
specify a seed for the random object (used for all randomized operation) (default: 23)
[(-v|--timeOut) <long integer>]
specify the timeout value of the degenerated tests in millisecond
(default: 10000)
run the example of DSpot and leave
shows this help
You can run the provided example by running fr.inria.stamp.Main
from your IDE, or with
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="fr.inria.stamp.Main" -Dexec.args="--example"
java -jar target/dspot-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar --example
This example is an implementation of the function chartAt(s, i)
(in src/test/resources/test-projects/
), which returns the char at the index i in the String s.
In this example, DSpot amplifies the tests of chartAt(s, i)
with defaults amplifiers TestDataMutator
, TestMethodCallAdder
, TestMethodCallRemover
and StatementAdderOnAssert
, which changes literals (add 1 to integer, remove one char in a string, etc...), and with generation of assertions.
DSpot first reads information about the project from the properties file src/test/resources/test-projects/
#relative path to the project root from dspot project
#relative path to the source project from the project properties
#relative path to the test source project from the project properties
#java version used
# (optional) path to the output folder, default to "output_diversify"
# (optional) filter on the package name containing tests to be amplified ("example" => "example.*"
The result of the amplification of charAt consists of 6 new tests, as shown in the output below. Those new tests are written to the output folder specified by configuration property outputDirectory
======= REPORT =======
Branch Coverage Selector:
Initial coverage: 83.33%
There is 3 unique path in the original test suite
The amplification results with 6 new tests
The branch coverage obtained is: 100.00%
There is 4 new unique path
Print TestSuiteExampleAmpl with 6 amplified test cases in dspot-out/
DSpot produces 3 outputs in the (default: output_diversify
) specified in the properties file.
- a textual report of the result of the amplification also printed on the standard output
- a json file summarizing the amplification
- the amplified tests augmented with comments (see
You can run DSpot on your own project by running fr.inria.stamp.Main
and specifying the path to the properties file as first argument:
java -cp target/dspot-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.stamp.Main --path-to-properties path/To/
# or in maven
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="fr.inria.stamp.Main" -Dexec.args="--path-to-properties <pathToPropertiesFile>"
Amplify a specific test class
java -cp target/dspot-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.stamp.Main --path-to-properties path/To/ --test my.package.TestClass
Amplify specific test classes according to a regex
java -cp target/dspot-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.stamp.Main --path-to-properties path/To/ --test my.package.*
java -cp target/dspot-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.stamp.Main --path-to-properties path/To/ --test my.package.Example*
Amplify a specific test method from a specific test class
java -cp target/dspot-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.stamp.Main --path-to-properties path/To/ --test my.package.TestClass --cases testMethod
The whole procedure of amplification is done by the fr.inria.diversify.dspot.DSpot
You must at least provide the path to the properties file of your project at the construction of the object.
You can specify the number of times each amplifier will be applies to the test cases (default 3).
You can specify which amplifiers (as a list) you want to use. By default, DSpot uses:
* TestDataMutator: which transforms literals.
* TestMethodCallAdder: which duplicatse an existing method call in the test case.
* TestMethodCallRemover: which removes a method call in the test case.
* StatementAdderOnAssert: which adds calls to accessible methods on existing objects and creates new instances.
The amplifier StatementAdd
(unstable): which reuses existing objects and return values to add method calls to accessible methods.
Need the initialized InputProgram if DSpot to be well constructed.
You can implement you own amplifier by implementing the fr.inria.diversify.dspot.amplifier.Amplifier
interface and giving it to DSpot.
A test selector is responsible the tests to be amplified in an amplification iteration. There are two test selectors:
BranchCoverageTestSelector: it selects amplified tests that increase the coverage, or produce a new unique execution path. BranchCoverageTestSelector produces a json which contains for each amplified test class, the name of the generated tests. For each test, the json file gives the number of added inputs, added assertions and the coverage measured in # of method calls
PitMutantScoreSelector: it selects amplified tests that increase the mutant score, i.e. kills more mutants than the original tests. The mutants are generated with Pitest. Warning, the selector takes more time than the first one. This selector produces a json which contains for the amplified classed, the name of of each generated test, the number of added inputs, of added assertions, and the number of newly killed mutants. For each newly killed mutant killed, it gives: * the ID of the mutant operators (see Mutator) * the name of the method where the mutant is inserted. * the line where the mutant is inserted.
The simplest snippets is:
InputConfiguration configuration = new InputConfiguration(<pathToPropertiesFile>);
DSpot dspot = new DSpot(configuration);
List<CtType> amplifiedTestClass = dspot.amplifiyAllTests();
Which will run the default amplifiers, 3 times on the whole existing test suite, with the BranchCoverageTestSelector.
To customize your DSpot, you can use several constructors:
new DSpot(configuration);
new DSpot(configuration, 1); //1 iteration
new DSpot(configuration, 1, Collections.singletonList(new TestDataMutator)); //1 iteration, one specific amplifier
DSpot dspot = new DSpot(configuration, 2, Arrays.asList(new TestDataMutator, new StatementAdderOnAssert())); //1 iteration, two specified amplifiers
dspot.addAmplifier(new StatementAdd(dspot.getInputProgram())); // or add an amplifiers after the construction.
new DSpot(configuration, new PitMutantScoreSelector());//3 iterations, default amplifier, PitMutantScoreSelector
Here is the list of configuration properties of DSpot:
required properties:
project: path to the project root directory.
src: relative path (from project properties) to the source root directory.
testSrc: relative path (from project properties) to the test source root directory.
recommended properties:
outputDirectory: path to the out of dspot. (default: output)
javaVersion: version used of java (default: 5)
maven.home: path to the executable maven. If no value is specified, it will try some defaults values (for instance:
...). -
optional properties:
filter: string to filter on package or classes.
maven.localRepository: path to the local repository of maven (.m2), if you need specific settings.
excludedClasses: dspot will not amplify the excluded test classes.
additionalClasspathElements: add elements to the classpath. (e.g. a jar file)
DSpot is published under LGPL-3.0 (see for further details).