Lobbyradar is a Browserextension which uses Data available on lobbyradar.opendatacloud.de Lobbyradar is meant to run on Chrome, Safari and Firefox. It is built using the BabelExt Project. BabelExt simplifies cross-browser development of Extensions. It abstracts Message passing between background- and foreground scripts. Background scripts are run in the Context of the Extension. They have access to the extension data, here: settings and lobbydata. Foreground scripts are injected into the current page and can modify the DOM and interact with the UI. BabelExt comes with an unusual Build-Script based on PhantomJS.
I had to modify BabelExt for lobbyradar, so browser abstraction is somewhat lost.
lib/: Background and Foreground scripts, settings files (settings.json, local_settings.json) test/: Test-Page with many names and an iframe. Serve this directory with a web server to test your extension. build/: Installable Extensions generated by the build script.
Chrome/: the Chrome-Extension. This Directory is modified by the build script. Safari.safariextension/: the Safari extension. Modified by build script and Safaris extensions builder (Info.plist) Firefox/: the Firefox extension. Modified by Build script and Firefox-SDK.
Do not delete the Extension directories! The build script generates only part of the files.
fg_page.js: Injected into the Page. The same for all Browsers bg_*.js: Background Scripts. One Version for Chrome/Safari, different for Firefox.
Background-scripts for Chrome/Safari are modified in lib/. Background-scripts for Firefox are modified in Firefox/.
I strongly recommend to understand the build script.
Download PhantomJS (http://phantomjs.org), which is used to build and deploy browser-extensions. You need to have the Chrome Browser installed to build the Chrome extension.
In UNIX-based OSes, run ./bin/build.sh
The build system hasn't been tested under Windows yet - your best bet is probably to look at the scripts and write a Windows equivalent. If it's any good, please send in a patch!
IMPORTANT SAFARI NOTE: If the extension directory does not end in ".safariextension", it will not be recognized by Safari. Symlinks inside the extension directory are not allowed.
- You need to build the package before you start - the initial build process configures some files that aren't stored in git
Go to about://extensions
Check "Developer Mode"
Click "load unpacked extension" and choose the Chrome directory
You're good to go! If you just want to try out the BabelExt kitchen sink demo, navigate to http://babelext.com/demo/
Further Chrome development information can be found at http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/index.html
Install firefox developer edition
Install Auto-Installer Extension https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/autoinstaller/
Further Firefox development information can be found at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/docs/sdk/latest/
Click the gear icon, and choose Settings -> Preferences -> Advanced
Check the box that reads "Show Develop menu in menu bar"
Click the menu button (left of the gear icon), and choose Develop -> Show Extension Builder
Click the + button at the bottom left, and choose "Add Extension"
Choose the Safari.safariextension folder from lobbyradar
Further Safari development information can be found at https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/Tools/Conceptual/SafariExtensionGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html
You need to release your extension by hand in each Extension store.
MIT (X11) license. See LICENSE.txt