This application creates an HTTP interface into nsupdate for managing DNS host records in (for example) Bind. Intended to be used together with a DHCP server to provide DNS host records for DHCP leases.
Start server using: gunicorn dhcp_dns:app
Script for using as a Mikrotik RouterOS DHCP Server lease script:
:local webservice "xxx:8855"
:local token "xxx"
if ([:len $"lease-hostname"] > 0) do={
:local action
if ($leaseBound = "1") do={
:set action "register_host"
} else={
:set action "deregister_host"
/tool fetch http-method=post keep-result=no http-header-field="Authorization: Basic $($token)" http-data="hostname=$($"lease-hostname")&ip_address=$($leaseActIP)" url="$($webservice)/$($action)"
(this script needs read
and test
permissions if run as a system script)