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#Observable ReactiveX에서는 하나의 observer가 하나의 Observable을 구독(subscribe) 할 수 있습니다. 그리고 observer는 내보내는(emit) 어떤 아이템이나 아이템의 시퀀스에 반응합니다. Observable이 결과값을 내보내는(emit)것을 기다리는 동안 블럭할 필요가 없기 때문에 이 패턴은 동시 연산을 용이하게 합니다.하지만 대신에 Observable가 어떤 미래에 내보내는(emit) 것을 적절하게 반응하기 위해 대기 하도록 observer 형태로 감시자(sentry)를 만들어야 합니다.

이 페이지에서는 reactive pattern이 무엇이고 Observables와 observers가 무엇인지 (그리고 어떻게 observers가 Observables을 구독 할 수 있는지) 설명합니다. 다른 페이지에서는 다양한 Observable 연산자를 어떻게 Observables와 함께 연결하여 사용하고 형태를 바꿀 수 있는지 보여 줍니다.이 문서는 "marble 다이어그램"과 함께 설명합니다. 여기에 Observables 과 Observables의 변환을 묘사하는 marble 다이어그램이 있습니다. :


  • Single — a specialized version of an Observable that emits only a single item
  • Rx Workshop: Introduction
  • Introduction to Rx: IObservable
  • Mastering observables (from the Couchbase Server documentation)
  • 2 minute introduction to Rx by Andre Staltz (“Think of an Observable as an asynchronous immutable array.”)
  • Introducing the Observable by Jafar Husain (JavaScript Video Tutorial)
  • Observable object (RxJS) by Dennis Stoyanov
  • Turning a callback into an Rx Observable by @afterecho

#Background 많은 소프트웨어 프로그래밍 작업에서 당신은 대략 당신이 작성하는 명령이 한번에 하나씩 작성한 순서대로 실행되고 완료될 것이라고 예상하고 작성합니다. 그러나 ReactiveX에서는 observer들에 의해 많은 명령이 임의의 순서대로 병렬로 실행되고 결과 값을 늦게 저장할 수 있습니다. 메소드를 호출하기보다 데이터를 검색하고 변환하기 위한 메커니즘을 Obserable형태로 정의하고 observer를 구독시킵니다. 사전 정의된 메커니즘의 Observable이 데이터가 준비될 때마다 내보내면 저장하고 응답하기 위해 준비된 observer의 action으로 전달합니다.

An advantage of this approach is that when you have a bunch of tasks that are not dependent on each other, you can start them all at the same time rather than waiting for each one to finish before starting the next one — that way, your entire bundle of tasks only takes as long to complete as the longest task in the bundle.

There are many terms used to describe this model of asynchronous programming and design. This document will use the following terms: An observer subscribes to an Observable. An Observable emits items or sends notifications to its observers by calling the observers’ methods.

In other documents and other contexts, what we are calling an “observer” is sometimes called a “subscriber,” “watcher,” or “reactor.” This model in general is often referred to as the “reactor pattern”.

Establishing Observers This page uses Groovy-like pseudocode for its examples, but there are ReactiveX implementations in many languages.

In an ordinary method call — that is, not the sort of asynchronous, parallel calls typical in ReactiveX — the flow is something like this:

Call a method. Store the return value from that method in a variable. Use that variable and its new value to do something useful. Or, something like this:

// make the call, assign its return value to returnVal returnVal = someMethod(itsParameters); // do something useful with returnVal In the asynchronous model the flow goes more like this:

Define a method that does something useful with the return value from the asynchronous call; this method is part of the observer. Define the asynchronous call itself as an Observable. Attach the observer to that Observable by subscribing it (this also initiates the actions of the Observable). Go on with your business; whenever the call returns, the observer’s method will begin to operate on its return value or values — the items emitted by the Observable. Which looks something like this:

// defines, but does not invoke, the Subscriber's onNext handler // (in this example, the observer is very simple and has only an onNext handler) def myOnNext = { it -> do something useful with it }; // defines, but does not invoke, the Observable def myObservable = someObservable(itsParameters); // subscribes the Subscriber to the Observable, and invokes the Observable myObservable.subscribe(myOnNext); // go on about my business onNext, onCompleted, and onError The Subscribe method is how you connect an observer to an Observable. Your observer implements some subset of the following methods:

onNext An Observable calls this method whenever the Observable emits an item. This method takes as a parameter the item emitted by the Observable. onError An Observable calls this method to indicate that it has failed to generate the expected data or has encountered some other error. This stops the Observable and it will not make further calls to onNext or onCompleted. The onError method takes as its parameter an indication of what caused the error. onCompleted An Observable calls this method after it has called onNext for the final time, if it has not encountered any errors. By the terms of the Observable contract, it may call onNext zero or more times, and then may follow those calls with a call to either onCompleted or onError but not both, which will be its last call. By convention, in this document, calls to onNext are usually called “emissions” of items, whereas calls to onCompleted or onError are called “notifications.”

A more complete subscribe call example looks like this:

def myOnNext = { item -> /* do something useful with item / }; def myError = { throwable -> / react sensibly to a failed call / }; def myComplete = { / clean up after the final response */ }; def myObservable = someMethod(itsParameters); myObservable.subscribe(myOnNext, myError, myComplete); // go on about my business See Also

Introduction to Rx: IObserver Unsubscribing In some ReactiveX implementations, there is a specialized observer interface, Subscriber, that implements an unsubscribe method. You can call this method to indicate that the Subscriber is no longer interested in any of the Observables it is currently subscribed to. Those Observables can then (if they have no other interested observers) choose to stop generating new items to emit.

The results of this unsubscription will cascade back through the chain of operators that applies to the Observable that the observer subscribed to, and this will cause each link in the chain to stop emitting items. This is not guaranteed to happen immediately, however, and it is possible for an Observable to generate and attempt to emit items for a while even after no observers remain to observe these emissions.

Some Notes on Naming Conventions Each language-specific implementation of ReactiveX has its own naming quirks. There is no canonical naming standard, though there are many commonalities between implementations.

Furthermore, some of these names have different implications in other contexts, or seem awkward in the idiom of a particular implementing language.

For example there is the onEvent naming pattern (e.g. onNext, onCompleted, onError). In some contexts such names would indicate methods by means of which event handlers are registered. In ReactiveX, however, they name the event handlers themselves.

“Hot” and “Cold” Observables When does an Observable begin emitting its sequence of items? It depends on the Observable. A “hot” Observable may begin emitting items as soon as it is created, and so any observer who later subscribes to that Observable may start observing the sequence somewhere in the middle. A “cold” Observable, on the other hand, waits until an observer subscribes to it before it begins to emit items, and so such an observer is guaranteed to see the whole sequence from the beginning.

In some implementations of ReactiveX, there is also something called a “Connectable” Observable. Such an Observable does not begin emitting items until its Connect method is called, whether or not any observers have subscribed to it.

Composition via Observable Operators Observables and observers are only the start of ReactiveX. By themselves they’d be nothing more than a slight extension of the standard observer pattern, better suited to handling a sequence of events rather than a single callback.

The real power comes with the “reactive extensions” (hence “ReactiveX”) — operators that allow you to transform, combine, manipulate, and work with the sequences of items emitted by Observables.

These Rx operators allow you to compose asynchronous sequences together in a declarative manner with all the efficiency benefits of callbacks but without the drawbacks of nesting callback handlers that are typically associated with asynchronous systems.

This documentation groups information about the various operators and examples of their usage into the following pages:

Creating Observables Create, Defer, Empty/Never/Throw, From, Interval, Just, Range, Repeat, Start, and Timer Transforming Observable Items Buffer, FlatMap, GroupBy, Map, Scan, and Window Filtering Observables Debounce, Distinct, ElementAt, Filter, First, IgnoreElements, Last, Sample, Skip, SkipLast, Take, and TakeLast Combining Observables And/Then/When, CombineLatest, Join, Merge, StartWith, Switch, and Zip Error Handling Operators Catch and Retry Utility Operators Delay, Do, Materialize/Dematerialize, ObserveOn, Serialize, Subscribe, SubscribeOn, TimeInterval, Timeout, Timestamp, and Using Conditional and Boolean Operators All, Amb, Contains, DefaultIfEmpty, SequenceEqual, SkipUntil, SkipWhile, TakeUntil, and TakeWhile Mathematical and Aggregate Operators Average, Concat, Count, Max, Min, Reduce, and Sum Converting Observables To Connectable Observable Operators Connect, Publish, RefCount, and Replay Backpressure Operators a variety of operators that enforce particular flow-control policies These pages include information about some operators that are not part of the core of ReactiveX but are implemented in one or more of language-specific implementations and/or optional modules.

Chaining Operators Most operators operate on an Observable and return an Observable. This allows you to apply these operators one after the other, in a chain. Each operator in the chain modifies the Observable that results from the operation of the previous operator.

There are other patterns, like the Builder Pattern, in which a variety of methods of a particular class operate on an item of that same class by modifying that object through the operation of the method. These patterns also allow you to chain the methods in a similar way. But while in the Builder Pattern, the order in which the methods appear in the chain does not usually matter, with the Observable operators order matters.

A chain of Observable operators do not operate independently on the original Observable that originates the chain, but they operate in turn, each one operating on the Observable generated by the operator immediately previous in the chain.