This component makes the drone detect and follow an AprilTag from the 36h11 family
Data structure
Provides desired velocity
Initialize grabber data structure and opens the grabber object The parameters are:
device :
0 if using FLIR cameras through FlyCapture SDK
1 if using cameras through OpenCV
cam_index : the index of the camera
frame_rate: Select the frame_rate of the camera (for FlyCapture)
shutter: auto or manual shutter (for FlyCapture)
gain: auto or manual gain (for FlyCapture)
Initializes aprilTag detector
Initialize camera parameters.
Note that this function should be called after calibrating the camera with ViSP calibration example.
This method initializes the camera with specific parameters using perspective projection with distortion model.
Initialize visual servoing
camera_pos[3] is the position of camera frame’s origin in UAV’s frame
Log data if visual servoing is initialized