SSDB-Evolution - A fast NoSQL database, derived from SSDB(, for storing big list of data
Compared with SSDB, SSDB-Evolution has an more comprehensive and better support for redis commands. Most of the codes are rewrited to achieve the improvements listed below.
- Fix some bugs and incompatible implementations
- Full support expiration for all kinds of structs
- Re-implement replication with binlog
- Hot sharding
- Full support DEL for all kinds of sturcts
- Splits metadata with userdata
- Re-implement low-level encoding/decoding for sharding
| Command | Supported? | Format |
| DEL | Yes | DEL key [key …] |
| DUMP | No | DUMP key |
| EXISTS | Yes | EXISTS key |
| EXPIRE | Yes | EXPIRE key seconds| |
| EXPIREAT | Yes | EXPIREAT key timestamp| |
| KEYS | No | KEYS pattern| |
| MIGRATE | No | MIGRATE host port key destination-db timeout| |
| MOVE | No | MOVE key db| |
| OBJECT | No | OBJECT subcommand [arguments [arguments …]]| |
| PERSIST | No | PERSIST key| |
| PEXPIRE | Yes | PEXPIRE key milliseconds| |
| PEXPIREAT | Yes | PEXPIREAT key milliseconds-timestamp| |
| PTTL | No | PTTL key| |
| RENAME | No | RENAME key newkey| |
| RENAMENX | No | RENAMENX key newkey| |
| RESTORE | No | RESTORE key ttl serialized-value| |
| SORT | No | SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] [STORE destination] |
| TTL | Yes | TTL key| |
| TYPE | No | TYPE key| |
| SCAN | No | SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]| |
| Command | Supported? | Format |
| APPEND | No | APPEND key value |
| BITCOUNT | Yes | BITCOUNT key [start] [end] |
| BITOP | No | BITOP operation destkey key [key ...] |
| DECR | Yes | DECR key |
| DECRBY | Yes | DECRBY key decrement |
| GET | Yes | GET key |
| GETBIT | Yes | GETBIT key offset |
| GETRANGE | No | GETRANGE key start end |
| GETSET | Yes | GETSET key value |
| INCR | Yes | INCR key |
| INCRBY | Yes | INCRBY key increment |
| INCRBYFLOAT | No | INCRBYFLOAT key increment |
| MGET | Yes | MGET key [key ...] |
| MSET | Yes | MSET key value [key value ...] |
| MSETNX | No | MSETNX key value [key value ...] |
| PSETEX | No | PSETEX key milliseconds value |
| SET | Yes | SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX] |
| SETBIT | Yes | SETBIT key offset value |
| SETEX | Yes | SETEX key seconds value |
| SETNX | Yes | SETNX key value |
| SETRANGE | No | SETRANGE key offset value |
| STRLEN | No | STRLEN key |
| Command | Supported? | Format| |
| BLPOP | No | BLPOP key [key ...] timeout| |
| BRPOP | No | BRPOP key [key ...] timeout| |
| BRPOPLPUSH | No | BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout| |
| LINDEX | Yes | LINDEX key index| |
| LINSERT | Yes | LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value| |
| LLEN | Yes | LLEN key| |
| LPOP | Yes | LPOP key| |
| LPUSH | Yes | LPUSH key value [value ...]| |
| LPUSHX | Yes | LPUSHX key value| |
| LRANGE | Yes | LRANGE key start stop| |
| LREM | Yes | LREM key count value| |
| LSET | Yes | LSET key index value| |
| LTRIM | Yes | LTRIM key start stop| |
| RPOP | Yes | RPOP key| |
| RPOPLPUSH | No | RPOPLPUSH source destination| |
| RPUSH | Yes | RPUSH key value [value ...]| |
| RPUSHX | No | RPUSHX key value| |
| Command | Supported? | Format |
| HDEL | Yes | HDEL key field [field ...] |
| HEXISTS | Yes | HEXISTS key field |
| HGET | Yes | HGET key field |
| HGETALL | Yes | HGETALL key |
| HINCRBY | Yes | HINCRBY key field increment |
| HINCRBYFLOAT | No | HINCRBYFLOAT key field increment |
| HKEYS | Yes | HKEYS key |
| HLEN | Yes | HLEN key |
| HMGET | Yes | HMGET key field [field ...] |
| HMSET | Yes | HMSET key field value [field value ...] |
| HSET | Yes | HSET key field value |
| HSETNX | No | HSETNX key field value |
| HVALS | Yes | HVALS key |
| HSCAN | No | HSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] |
| Command | Supported? | Format |
| SADD | Yes | SADD key member [member ...] |
| SCARD | Yes | SCARD key |
| SDIFF | No | SDIFF key [key ...] |
| SDIFFSTORE | No | SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] |
| SINTER | No | SINTER key [key ...] |
| SINTERSTORE | No | SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...] |
| SISMEMBER | Yes | SISMEMBER key member |
| SMOVE | No | SMOVE source destination member |
| SPOP | No | SPOP key |
| SRANDMEMBER | No | SRANDMEMBER key [count] |
| SREM | Yes | SREM key member [member ...] |
| SUNION | No | SUNION key [key ...] |
| SUNIONSTORE | No | SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...] |
| SSCAN | No | SSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] |
| Command | Supported? | Format |
| ZADD | Yes | ZADD key score member [score] [member] |
| ZCARD | Yes | ZCARD key |
| ZCOUNT | Yes | ZCOUNT key min max |
| ZINCRBY | Yes | ZINCRBY key increment member |
| ZINTERSTORE | No | ZINTERSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] |
| ZLEXCOUNT | No | ZLEXCOUNT key min max |
| ZRANGE | Yes | ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] |
| ZRANGEBYLEX | No | ZRANGEBYLEX key min max [LIMIT offset count] |
| ZRANGEBYSCORE | Yes | ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]|
| ZRANK | Yes | ZRANK key member |
| ZREM | Yes | ZREM key member [member ...] |
| ZREVRANGE | Yes | ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] |
| ZREVRANK | Yes | ZREVRANK key member |
| ZSCORE | Yes | ZSCORE key member |
| ZUNIONSTORE | No | ZUNIONSTORE destination numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] |
| ZSCAN | No | ZSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] |
| change_master_to | change_master_to ip port last_seq last_key |
| start_slave | start_slave |
| stop_slave | stop_slave [last_seq] |
| key_slot | key_slot key |
| set_slot | set_slot slot |
| unset_slot | unset slot |
| lock_db_with_read_lock | lock_db_with_read_lock |
| unlock_db | unlock_db |
| migrate_slot | migrate_slot slot ip port timeout speed |
| slot_premigrating | slot_premigrating |
| slot_postmigrating | slot_postmigrating |
| slot_preimporting | slot_preimporting |
| slot_postimporting | slot_postimporting |
| dump | dump pattern |
| dump_slot | dump_slot slot |
change_master_to: swith replication context to designated ip and port with last_seq(binlog_seq) and last_key(last sync key in snapshot).
start_slave: run replication thread with current replication context with read only mode.
stop_slave: stop replication thread.
key_slot: test an key the slot it belongs to.
set_slot: set the slot that the instance responsible for.
unset_slot: clean the slot that the instance responsible for.
lock_db_with_read_lock: read only mode.
unlock_db: enable write.
migrate_slot: migrate specified slot to another instance with the timeout(s) and speed(M).
slot_premigrating: flag an slot ready to migrate.
slot_postmigrating: flag an slot migration done and clean the responsiblity of this slot.
slot_preimporting: flag an slot ready to import.
slot_postimporting: flag an slot migration done and set the responsiblity of this slot.
dump: dump keys with specified pattern to file 'keys' at the working directory.
dump_slot: dump keys in specified slot to file 'keys-[slot]' at the working directiory.
By default, all the slot(0-16383) is disable. Slots need to be enable before running redis command. 'set_slot/unset_slot' could help to assign the range of responsible slots.