===================== IRIS TASK ======================
- iris.py contains all the necessary functions for solving the task, as well ass a menu system. To try out the program, simply run the code and follow the instrunctions in the menu.
- reportOnlyPlottings.py contains funtions for generating the plots presented in the report, which are not included in the iris.py-file.
- testfunctions.py contains a set of functions used during testing, and may be ignored.
================ HANDWRITTEN NRS TASK ================
- kNN.py contains the implementation of the NN and kNN classifiers, as well as functionality for clustering.
- plotting.py contains functions for plotting images and confusion matrix.
- The program is started by running main.py. The user will be given a choice between running the program with the whole MNIST data set or choosing a custom size.
- For details on the tasks see the task description.