This repository contains a set of patches to Jitsi Meet's Prosody plugins for use with kiwiirc/plugin-conference. The purpose of these patches is to mirror the access control model and user identity from the IRC environment to the Jitsi conference room.
The patches are necessary when using { "": true }
in your KiwiIRC client config.
You will need to host your own Jitsi Meet server for secured KiwiIRC conference calls, as the patches will make the services incompatible with other public Jitsi servers.
Before proceeding, you'll need to complete the installation of the Jitsi Meet backend. Using the apt repository mentioned in Jitsi Meet's instructions, install the jitsi-meet
and jitsi-meet-tokens
packages. e.g. apt-get install jitsi-meet jitsi-meet-tokens
A few hints:
- On Ubuntu 16.04
currently has a dependency onprosody-trunk
, rather than theprosody
package available in the main repositories. See Prosody's documentation to add their apt repository as a package source on your system. - The Jitsi Meet packaging may have issues on Ubuntu 18.04.
- Use an interactive shell when installing
because the packages will ask questions via debconf during installation and errors will occur if no debconf frontend is available. - Install
if you want thejitsi-meet
package to automatically create an nginx site configuration for you. - On debian there is an issue building the dependencies at install time due to a difference in libssl packages. As a workaround, do
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https libssl1.0-dev luarocks git && sudo luarocks install luacrypto
before trying to install the jitsi packages.libssl1.0-dev
is needed to build luacrypto, but it will get uninstalled and replaced withlibssl-dev
due to the dependencies specified by jitsi packages later on. - On Ubuntu 20.04 / Debian 10
package is required before installingjitsi-meet-tokens
The following configuration values will need special attention.
In /etc/prosody/conf.d/<your jitsi domain>.cfg.lua
- At the top level of the config, add these two lines, replacing
<your jitsi domain>
with the appropriate value for your installation:
jitsi_meet_domain = "<your jitsi domain>";
jitsi_meet_focus_hostname = "auth.<your jitsi domain>";
(referred to asapplication secret
during the interactive debconf prompts) needs to match the secret set in your webircgateway config. -
(application ID
in debconf) must match the hostname in the upstream section of your webircgateway config as well as the server hostname that the KiwiIRC client uses (i.e.startupOptions.server
in the clientconfig.json
) -
"muc_role_from_jwt"; "presence_identity";
inComponent "conference.<your jitsi domain>" "muc"
. -
Adjust the storage configuration based on your needs. Commenting out the default value in this config will work as shown below, but see the Jitsi docs for other options:
-- storage = "null"
- If you're hosting Jitsi on a separate hostname from KiwiIRC, you will need to either add
cross_domain_bosh = true;
at the top level of the config or manually add CORS headers in your nginx config.
- Open
and add the following line:
- You may also want to disable P2P connectivity in the videobridge's config file at
/etc/jitsi/meet/<your jitsi domain>-config.js
p2p: { enabled: false }
See /usr/share/doc/jitsi-meet-web-config/config.js
for an example of the configuration format.
Finally, we need to apply the KiwiIRC patches from this repository whenever jitsi-meet-tokens
is installed or upgraded:
$ git clone kiwiirc-jitsimeet-patches
Cloning into 'kiwiirc-jitsimeet-patches'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 271, done.
remote: Total 271 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 271
Receiving objects: 100% (271/271), 418.22 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (34/34), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd kiwiirc-jitsimeet-patches
$ sudo ./
Kiwi patcher for Jitsi Meet Tokens
Applying kiwiirc-jitsi-meet-tokens.patch to /usr/share/jitsi-meet/prosody-plugins/
After patching and configuring the services, you'll want to restart them so the changes take effect.
sudo systemctl restart prosody.service jicofo.service jitsi-videobridge2.service