Simple program to view files in your browser including text files, markdown, HTML, PDFs, images, videos, audio, and fonts.
Check out filebrowser, which might better suit your needs.
For more previews, visit
I don't believe this program exposes any additional security threat, but in the instances of one, I am not responsible for any damages.
It uses the web browser's provided API for images, videos, audios, fonts, and
iframes to display HTML & PDF content. It uses node's fs.readFile
to read the
file contents.
npm i -g local-files-viewer
Or install yourself:
git clone
cd local-files-viewer
npm install
npm run build
npm install -g
Once you have this package installed you can just call lfv [folder]
If no folder is provided, it will default to your env variable of LFV_DEFAULT_FOLDER
=> go to previous file
=> go to next file
=> toggle file finder
=> toggle directory (allows you to change the base directory)
palette mode:
(file mode) ctrl+j
, tab
=> next item
(file mode) ctrl+k
, shift+tab
=> previous item
(directory mode) tab
=> completion
(directory mode) shift+tab
=> nothing
, enter
=> select item
, Escape
=> close palette
- SvelteKit, typescript, SCSS, etc..
- remark: used to render markdown
- shiki: used for syntax highlighting, mdsvex includes prismjs by default, but I don't like how they handle line highlights
- Took some inspiration from vscode ui
- Icons
- feather, only used
, andfolder
, andchevron-[right|down]
- simple-icons, used for language file icons
- feather, only used
- Look into optimizations of reading and showing content
- Handle large directories more gracefully. Originally the idea was to load x amount deep, then when the user requests load more, but with the file picker I switched it back to loading recursively as much as needed.
- Error handling
- Remove the need for two states of errors.
- You should be able to change the base directory on the error page.