This weather dashborad allows you to look up the weather of any US city.
There is no installation required. The application can be accesssed through any web brouwserr at this URL:
on page load, there are two text entry boxes (one for city, and one for state) and the page will display no search results. After hitting the search button, the current weather will be brought up as well as a five day forecast for your chosen city. the kind of information that wil be brought up is an icon indicating the the weather in pucture form as well as a text description. Additionally the temperature in imperial units, wind, and humidity are all included. Your search will also be saved as a button on the left that you can click on to bring up that same city again. These buttons will stay on the page even if you close and reopen the application. They will persist on the page until you clear your local storage.
I built the application without any starter code but I did use some external resources. I used the openweather API to fetch all of the weather data for free.