Rust library for accessing organisational data from the University of Applied Sciences Dresden.
Add the following to your dependencies in your Cargo.toml
htwdresden = "0.3"
use htwdresden::{Studygroup, Degree, Exam};
let group = Studygroup {
year: 2016,
course: 121,
group: 61,
degree: Degree::Bachelor,
let exams = Exam::for_studygroup(&group);
let exams = Exam::for_prof("prof identifier");
use htwdresden::{Login, Course, Grade};
let login = Login::new("s#####", "password");
if let Ok(courses) = Course::get(&login) {
let grades = Grade::get(&login, &courses[0]);
use htwdresden::{Degree, Studygroup, Lesson};
let group = Studygroup {
year: 2016,
course: 121,
group: 61,
degree: Degree::Bachelor,
let lessons = Lesson::for_studygroup(&group);
let lessons = Lesson::for_prof("prof identifier");
let lessons = Lesson::for_room("Z 254");
use htwdresden::{Week, Weekday, Room, Building};
let rooms = Room::get_free(Week::Even, Weekday::Monday, "9:30", "10:30", Building::Z);
use htwdresden::SemesterPlan;
let semesters = SemesterPlan::get();
Kilian Koeltzsch, @kiliankoe
htwdresden is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.