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Releases: kevinkhill/lavacharts

Composer 2

23 Nov 12:32
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This should fix the composer 2 blocker of the RenderableTrait issue #322

Google Charts Version Freeze (47)

09 Sep 11:08
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This version freeze is needed to fix some bugs when using the current version

Fixes #330

Carbon Version Update

30 Aug 19:01
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This should free everyone from Carbon version issues. (hopefully!!)
Fixing #302

isValidTimezone() bugfix

26 Jul 19:51
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Disscused and fixed in issue #256

Thanks NelsonBaez

Laravel 5.5+ Automatic Package Discovery

10 May 16:44
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Laravel 5.5+ installs should now automatically be discovered and registered.

Fixing bug in setOptions

01 Nov 19:48
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Fixed a bug in setOptions that prevented png and material options from being processed and assigned to the chart.

Production Build of Lava.js

10 Aug 14:26
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I keep forgetting to do a prod build before releasing, sorry!

Nobody likes console log flood?

Config Publishing

09 Aug 13:59
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Added the tag lavacharts to the config publishing.
Use php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lavacharts
If that does not work, try to clear the cache with php artisan config:clear and re-publish with --force.

DataTables in Events

30 May 22:19
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The event callback within lava.js was modified to pass back the chart and the datatable so users can interact with either during an event. This solves issue #203

Resize Bug Fixed

16 May 23:23
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Chart's should resize properly on page resize.