A total conversion modification of Half-Life 2. We are a fan made artistic recreation, released for free, with a primary goal in mind; To bring the memories and experiences from the original GoldenEye-64 back to life using the Source SDK 2013 Technology. As one of the premier and consistently released HL2 mods, GES has been seen out and about, reviewed by the best, and played by hundreds and thousands of PC gamers for Eight long years and running.
The last public release of GES was v5.0 on August 12, 2016 using the 2007 Source SDK. Our current plan is to transition to the 2013 Source SDK in v5.1. The code for v5.0 has aready been ported into this repository and is buildable on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
We need YOUR help to make it work properly on ALL platforms.
The main code base for GES is located in the following directories:
- /game/client/ges
- /game/server/ges
- /game/shared/ges
TODO: Write more specific code navigation readme
You must have the Boost libraries (v1.49 or higher) installed on your system path such that CMAKE can find them. You can download Boost here or through your distro's package manager.
You must also have CMAKE v2.8.12 or higher installed on your system, available here or through your distro's package manager.
- Checkout the repository using git
- Open a terminal window in the root of the repository you just checked out
- Initialize the submodules:
git submodule init --recursive
- Build with CMake:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[path_to_gesource] ..
make install
- Checkout the repository using git and initialize the submodules (recommend TortoiseGit)
- Create a build directory in the repository's root
- Open CMAKE GUI and configure the project for the visual studio version you are using (prefer 2015)
- Open Visual Studio using the generated solution files
- Build and install as usual
GES relies on several third-party libraries during compilation. We have an integrated Python 3.4 interpreter to run our Gameplay Scenarios and AI. To drive all this, we use the Boost Python library. To play our music, we utilize FMOD since Valve's internal sound functions do not operate across level transitions.
We will accept pull requests and bug reports from anyone. All we ask at this state is to limit your requests to bug fixes and compilation fixes. New capability and major code revisions will not be accepted until further notice.
GoldenEye: Source original code (files starting with 'ge_') is licensed under the GNU GPL v3. The full license text can be found in LICENSE_GES.
It's important to know that this code is supplied WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. We are not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of this code. Please see the license for more information.
TODO: Replace file headers to comply with GNU GPL v3