This repo contains the domains website code and DNS.
Anyone is free to add a subdomain. Follow the instructions below.
Modify the file under dns/dnsconfig.js and submit a pull request. I will approve PR's as they come.
CF_PROXY_OFF bypasses Cloudflare's proxy
CF_PROXY_ON (default if no option is given) enables Cloudflare's proxy. Please note that your host needs to have a SSL certificate (Self-signed certs work too.)
HTTP is not supported, due to the root domain having HSTS.
CNAME record with Cloudflare's proxy off
CNAME('examplesubdomain', '', CF_PROXY_OFF),
A record with Cloudflare's proxy on
A('examplesubdomain', '', CF_PROXY_ON),
MX record for a subdomain, 1 is the priority
MX('examplesubdomain', 1, ''),