MTracker is a site that allows users' to search up and track any manga, manhwa or manhua information. MTracker also saves the users' reading status and chapter without an account!
Features the top trending manga, manhwa or manhua with the title, image, genres, and rating. Bonus: A separate section of trending manhwas I usually read :')
A search engine that allows users' to enter any manga, manhwa, or manhua title and see that title's information like the description, genres, tags, characters, and recommendations. Is where users can log in their reading status and chapter
Tracks all the titles you have added to your current reading list. Users are able to edit and delete information of any added title. Even if you refresh, your current titles remains as it utilizes your browser's local storage.
ReactJS, Javascript, HTML, CSS, GraphQL for Anilist API, Axios, Apollo, React Routers, React Context, Bootstrap