Verb | url | Params | Return |
get | /api | none | returns a list of games with their desciptions and IDs |
get | /api/:gameid | none | Home page for specified game for no selected player |
get | /api/:gameid/:playerid | 4 digit playerid of current player | Home page for selected Player in specified game |
put | /api/:gameid/:playerid/:phrase | 4 digit playerid of current player in sepcified game & index of phrase which is being ticked | Mark a card as done for a player in a game |
post | /api/users/:game | request body contains playername |
create a new player in a specified game |
post | /api | request body contains a description | create a new game |
$game = (invoke-webrequest 'http://localhost:3255/api/game').content | convertfrom-json
foreach ($p in $game.players) {
("-" * $
for ($i = 0;$i -lt 5; $i++){
if ($p.vals[$i]) {$colour = 'green'} else {$colour = 'darkred'} write-host -ForegroundColor $colour $p.card[$i]
- clients can register new (unique) name
- client can update their card when they hear their phrase
- use websockets to push updates to all listeners
- when one player gets all card items they win