2013.10.05: HTML5 & JavaScript 應用與雲端服務整合開發
Refactor 912492d7adb5c4368c1496af87a632f694f30b62
- Move JavaScript code to main.chat.js
- Using JavaScript closure (module)
- Using yepnope loader
Mapping view and data
- Using key-value pairs (ViewModel): use JSON to present key-value data
- Using Backbone (fully application framework) for applying ViewModel, or
- Simple template library (eg. jquery template)
- UI made easy: use Bootstrap CSS framework
- Use Bootstrap navbars
- Responsive design by Bootstrap
Send data
- Use WebSocket send()
- Connect Open API: AJAX and RESTful
- Not use AJAX method: if so, either jQuery way or Backbone way is good
- Not use RESTful API: refactor URL query string to REST spec
Going mobile
- Use PhoneGap: build.phonegap.com or Eclipse+PhoneGap
- Use viewport
- Use Mixins (LESS) to set media query of 'screen' height
Using PhoneGap APIs
- Camera web app
Enter Nodejs: Developing Web service
- Create a Web server
- Handling URL routing
- Create WebSocket server
- Handling requests
Using package.json
- for releasing software
- Use jQuery AJAX and JSON data instead of query string
- use preventDefault()
- use jQuery UI Touch Punch ('touchmove' event)
- Try Express.js and understanding RESTful