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eulerr 4.1.0

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@jolars jolars released this 21 Apr 15:01

Minor changes

  • plot.euler() now returns a gTree object. All of the plotting mechanisms
    are now also found in this function and plot.eulergram() and
    print.eulergram() basically just call grid::grid.draw() on the result
    of plot.euler(). This change means that functions such as
    gridExtra::grid.arrange() now work as one would intuit on the objects
    produced by plot.euler().
  • Fitting and plotting euler diagrams with empty sets is now allowed (#23).
    Empty sets in the input will be returned as NA in the resulting
    data.frame of ellipses.
  • The last-ditch optimizer has been switched back to GenSA::GenSA() from

Bug fixes

  • The grid parameters available for edges are now correctly specified in
    the manual for plot.euler().
  • now works as expected for tibbles (from the tibble
    package) when argument by is used.